Hardest dps to play at highest level?

Then sit down and breathe. Wouldnt want you to have a stroke from thinking too hard.

its rlly fun how u say other things r 1 dimensional while u sit on destruction warlock


I play Destro, Assass, BM/MM, DK and Arms/Fury in arena and by the class i need to put the most thought into while playing it is the destro. Im not trolling.

Arms is so ez to use its not funny. It just needs a good healer and good gear

Yes I have…

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Affliction Warlock is pretty hard to play. Using UAs to bait out dispels while maintaining the shard generator on every single possible target is a little bit rough when cleanse can remove all of your damage if you aren’t able to generate enough back. It’s a pretty difficult spec to play (from my own personal experience).

Arms has a lot of min-maxing with warbanner, disarm, rallying shout, and spell reflect for some super cool plays that can game change based on awareness.

Sub is just a kidney/cheap bot that sets up goes, but shadowy duel can create game winning plays. Using it incorrectly can also very easily throw the game.

Cant beleive im reading this. You dissarm as a simple peel or during their cd’s its not big brain. Warbanner when they about to make a go. Rallying cry is literally a defensive cd, spell reflect is probably the most clutch.

None of these tho are big brain “cool” game changers any different to any other classes abilities.

mage is the real answer to this question. but it only applies to non-mage/lock players.

even though C9 has shown us that they are the only impressive mlx so there must even be a skillcap to braindead comps !!


I didn’t go to far on my warrior due to gearing, but having the ability to 1/2 stun durations as a peel on a 2min cd implies you can’t really randomly use it. I.e. juking mark for death on warrior for him after nightblade for him to snipe the warbanner immediately kills that cd.

Disarm isn’t really big brain, but it is a tool you can use to completely destroy a go. It’s the proper use of it which can make it a high skill capped ability.

In general, I think Warriors can do a lot of really cool things through cd usage that other classes do not have through utility, and you’re definitely downplaying them.


No you are making basic stuff sound extravagant when it really isnt.

You are up playing them. They are mongo as hell.

Play above 2k, and then comment pls.


You play above 2k

How I know you are rival cap


Tell me all those big brain plays pls. Enlighten ALL of us. Make it sound amazing

Yes I do. Warrior has a lot more depth than you think.

Prove it then

I mean any warrior in this thread can tell you.

There is a difference between what is hard to win with and what is hard to play at it’s skill ceiling.

sub rogue stopped requiring skill in warlords of draenor, further exacerbated by questionable design changes in legion + bfa

I mean real quote

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this hellizone guy is actually the most peapea brain person ive ever seen on these forums