Hardest dps to play at highest level?

That hurt my eyes to read. as a WW main, thats nonsense.

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More depth to each class, simple as that

Loss of tons of niche abilities really adds up for tons of micromanagement and playmaking lost for a majority of classes

Nowadays instead of a wide kit of abilities with varrying strength, you’ll have abilities that are low risk and very straightforward to use. It’s just generally more forgiving.


Yeah i understand what ur saying on the surface, but can u qualify it with some examples of some abilities? I only pvped in MOP and WOTLK where i got 2200-2300 respectively. Genuinely curious.

I would say destro warlock

Its getting old, no?

what is getting old

Like i didnt expect someone to come in here and say destro. I think that horse is dead. no?

is there a problem I believe that?

is that a real life threat?

yes pretty much

As much as it pains me to do this to a fellow forum contributer. I have to flag your post for being life threatening. :frowning: I wish u were different.

its okay I understand, im cancelled, call me swifty

Would take me a long while to go through each class but it’s generally loss of niche tools for more directly effective abilities

Or things like sub rogues losing poisons, snd, bleed management, disarm, gouge, but then having mechanics like subterfuge (all rogues have this, subterfuge is really dumb though imo) and perma dance. You’re just constantly a stun bot instead of really thinking about timings and things like that

Hunters losing snake trap, super useful for soaking aoe fears. Hunters losing hunters mark (unpruned next xpac tho), great for a trash debuff, great to abuse people in stealth etc. losing stuff like readiness but getting wyvern sting in MoP. Readiness was a high skill cap ability by nature, but then getting two charges of deterrence baseline and also having a CC that was basically a mindless trap was stupid. Old hunter pets were really important to manage but had insane utility (crab intervene in WoTLK was insane).

Spriests in Wotlk-MoP just had so much more micromanagement I guess. Going into specifics will make this really long but you’d comstantly juggle on how each global mattered between damage/utility

In general though each global used to be important for a lot of classes, not the same now. Less choices between damage, non CC utility, or CCs for all classes on each gcd. Just less choices


Ok I get it, thanks for elaborating.

Know how I know you’re trash at WW?

The point is that none of the classes in the game require but a modicum of skill to operate their rotations correctly but I’d love to hear what you think is more complicated than WW.

I think you’re misunderstanding.

I would also agree that no class is hard to play relative to other games or iterations of WoW; however, from the classes we can choose in BFA there will be ones that are more difficult to play than the other classes thus making it the “most difficult” relative to the rest of the classes in BFA.

It’s like asking if it’s more difficult to calculate 1+1 or (1+1) x 2. Both are easy but relative to the two equations one is more difficult making it the “hardest” of the equations.


Warrior used to be one of those low skill floor high skill ceiling classes. Like anyone could pick it up but the best of the best were just on another planet. IDK if it’s still like that.

Everything Dillon’s saying makes sense imo.

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Warrior has a lot of depth at higher rating. Warrior at the rating you play at is faceroll, big difference.

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Cata Spriest was so much fun with the orb system. Don’t really care much for the new playstyle.

To answer the OP’s question, I would probably say Mage or Disc priest. TBH, I couldn’t imagine healing this entire expansion as Disc.

That wall of text was insane, hard to play can mean more than dps rotation since arena boils down to more than your dps rotation

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