Hardcore Server Death Character Transfer Clarification

We could use some clarity on where our Fresh Server Hardcore characters go when they die. We know they go to normal pve realms. But its unclear if they mean the fresh pve realm or the older classic pve realms. I’m leaning towards the older 2019 realms due to the language used but some clarification from a Blizzard Employee would be great.

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The language of the original blue post is a little confusing, but iirc it did clarify that the new “Anniversary” (Classic Classic) realms will have transfers disabled EXCEPT for from Normal (PvE) HC → Normal (PvE). So in other words you will stay on the anniversary realms.

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And you see I’m interpreting it the opposite of that. I really hope someone clarifies this before tomorrow. If not I suppose I’ll race to be the first hardcore death on the server and update the post :smiley:


Did you test this out? Or get any clarification?