Hardcore Rulesets

Since Hardcore server is declining… because well… and it’s maintaining the momentum just because of some streamer… and wont last… I’m offering you guys to create a server (just one) with new rules set!!

Rule-set to win the world and literally win millions!

  • Beginning of level 6, when you die, you’re losing XP
  • When you die, a “release” box appear.
    If you release, you teleport back to your Hearthstone point (bind point) and all your inventory (bag and equipped) drop in your corpse where you died. You re-spawn to hearthstone naked.
    If not, someone may resurrect you and you re-spawn where you die with your stuff
  • If someone resurrect you, you may win back a % of this XP lost
  • If you release, you will be returned at full health with diminish Mana (like 20%)
  • When you rez, you have “Resurrection Sickness”.
  • A new created spell (accessible for certain class) will permit player to bind someone (like the Inn owner to your Hearthstone) to anywhere in the world.
  • When you loot your corpse, all invisibility type of spell drop.
  • You can drag your corpse with a command for moving it from dangerous spot
  • After 7 days, your corpse de-spawn and you lose everything on it
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Just no, if you don’t want to play HC, then go to the ERA servers. HC isn’t dying in any way, and if it wasn’t for the anniversary servers splitting the populations hurting the server overall, the populations will be fine. HC servers will never have a high population, and in many ways the population on Defias is better than almost all the ERA servers currently.

Fresh servers while initially providing a boost to populations will almost always have a negative impact, and we are seeing that, and this will impact healthy servers. Much of this “new” population will be FOTM players like the streamers will only be around for a short period, meaning that all a Fresh server does in the end usually is split the population.

That all said, Defias is fine, there is no reason to turn it into another ERA clone, just so people can pretend they are HC. Dead is dead, thats HC, there is no almost dead or options not to die, you die you restart thats it, no exceptions.


This is basically the rule set for Everquest. And while it does put penalties on death, it does not create the risk vs reward that Hardcore needs to thrive. In WoW, this basically is little to no death penalty, as you can retain all of your character progression aside from some experience. In a raid environment, there may be some added risk with corpse runs, and having something be instanced, would make corpse runs difficult. You would end up getting rogues to corpse drag people to be rezed or to loot their corpse.

But, at the end of the day, I dont think people would choose to play essentially a 4th version of classic, which is basically regular classic with death penalties.

Is there any factual information you can present to correlate to this opinion? While there will always be eb and flow. People hit 60 then stop. People burn out. Or people take breaks. Retail is also going through a lul right now.

From my personal opinion, Hardcore feels more populated and active than retail. This may be factually false, but just being out in the world and seeing people questing and leveling, even if it is 10 other people in the zone, it feels populated. On retail it could be 100’s of people queing up from M+, but with that system, it never feels busy.

But, comparing Hardcore WoW to Retail is comparing two different games. And adding the ruleset you suggested for a new server, would just dilute the Classic, Classic HC community, for essentially no real reason.

Hardcore Classic’s whole content and gameplay allure is the 1 life per character. Thats it. The risk is the whole game mode. You can play extremely safe, and there is still a risk. Or you can play aggressive and there is even more risk. But the Risk is the game mode. Diminish the risk to where you just have essentially a death penalty, you remove the game mode.

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This migth be fun … but it’s not Hardcore!

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This would be cool for the regular servers. Kind of like Everquest rules.

Definitely EQ rules. Was this a troll?