Alright, I’m back for two days. Cull me once you notice me changing, I’ve caught the plague and all (been sick with chronic pain for years now.)
I want a hardcore mode for retail, that’s solely hardcore players. It’d create a world where everything - every choice, every friendship, every action or retreat - suddenly matters. I’ve played it on classic, and frankly there’s nothing like being overwhelmed, knowing you can’t escape, popping everything you have to buy yourself seconds - and then a warrior and a priest charge in to save you. It’s…exhilarating.
I want that adrenaline rush with the power creep we’ve got in this game. I want to FEEL powerful, not because I’m immortal - but because I’ve come this far and still live. I’ve seen this much and I’m still alive. I’ve fought, bled, healed, and nearly died for friends and npcs alike.
Maybe slow the levelling down. Ten levels for every expansion, gotta do a full expansion’s campaign if you wanna hit that. Idk.
retail hardcore doesn’t make any sense because the meta would be to just pick herbs since those give experience. you’ll never die.
That said, Retail desperately needs an optional mode that emphasizes the leveling experience increasing the xp needed and possibly overall open world difficulty, there are so many good zones and expansions to level in at this point but there is no reason to do it.
It’s really, really hard to die on retail outside of endgame. Hardcore might make endgame interesting but for a lot of people a big part of hardcore on Classic is the journey to 60.
On retail, you sneeze and accidentally gain 3 levels. The journey to max level cap is less… Meaningful? To some people anyway. Though I suppose you could get more shots at hardcore endgame that way.
Hardcore makes sense for classic because choices mattered and leveling was actually a slog. You could easily die fighting 1 thing, or get outnumbered by 2 things and die even faster.
In retail, you can pull groups of 5+ at almost every level and walk away having only lost 5% HP.
Hard pass on anything harcore, seen enough videos where peeps be going out of their way to cause others death on purpose. One actually got good enough to get into a raid guild for naxx only for him to cause them to wipe on C’thun just by walking out in front of the eye ball and zap zap zap, chained the entire raid.
Yes yes it’s just a spot of the plague. Just a touch. In recent news, my bones and muscles mostly don’t work. Organs are still good though SO YOU’VE GOT ME FOR ANOTHER WRETCHED YEAR HAHA!
Anyways I think the points folks have brought up regarding the state of leveling make sense - I suppose I’m imagining you would have to go through each expansion to level up again, like we used to have to - except it’d take the right amount of time.
That being days, if you’re really throwing yourself at it.
Keeping our stats more regularized would be neat too.
Is this more an overhaul at this point? Yes? I just wanna walk through azeroth and know that I’m alive because I wanted to be, and chose to take care of myself and others.
That’s where I think you’re wrong. I think folks would find ways to use what the game’s giving us to save themselves, and eachother. It’d take more time, sure - but that’s the fun of it, isn’t it?
So does life my friend. I want that pain. You don’t have to want that pain - but listen closely:
You can’t dissuade me that it’s a good idea, this kinda thought I’ve gotta put into situations is super fun for me.