Hardcore raider and friends LF a guild

Heya! Some friends and I are looking for a new guild to pvp and raid with. I completed MC through Naxx on my warlock in classic, then went paladin for TBC. I main tanked for phase 1 and 2 and also raided on my warlock as well in tbc. I had one guild for all of classic and tbc until it slowly started to fall apart unfortunately.

I’m planning to reroll to DK once prepatch hits. I’m really wanting to tank as blood, it’s my favorite thing to do in game. Open to possibly playing unholy/frost, but would really love to tank. Once I’m committed I’m all in. Have 2 healer friends and a rogue buddy that would like to join as well. I know the rogue does want to raid.

Open to any raid times Monday-Friday. Also open to tanking on my paladin if needed.

Give me a shout at Loki#1755 as my bnet tag!