Still not finding a guild with a good fit so trying again.
Quick about me - I’m a very experienced Vanilla player from “other” servers after fully completing retail vanilla, spanning the last decade, so I have leveled more than 20 characters and raided on numerous different servers. I know what effort and time is required for vanilla raiding and I’m 100% onboard with that. I have not taken the decision to return for another tour of vanilla lightly! I’m also interested in continuing on in expansions if they do that as I also have extensive TBC experience and at least one pass through everything else up to Legion from Retail. Bottom line, in for the long haul!
The guild I am looking for is going to be hardcore or semi-hardcore. I want to join somewhere that has similar goals (level quickly, get pre-raid BIS, get into raids quickly and do them within some reasonable target of the timeframe they should be completed in for a clear [IE: No 3 hour MC’s]) I don’t care about the loot process whatsoever as long as it’s in the best interests of progression, laid out in advance, and consistent.
I can raid anytime that ISN’T 5-9 PST T/W/Th, including Oceanic. Even a second earlier or later is fine, but I just can’t make those times. I can do oceanic, morning, weekend, something like 5-8 EST or any other combination of anything that just doesn’t fall within those times. Those are the ONLY time issues I typically have. I’m really not interested in joining a guild where I would only have 50% attendance or where such a thing would even be considered acceptable.
I want to be on a PVE server, I won’t consider a PVP server under any circumstances. ANY PVE server is fine.
I prefer alliance, and I would like to play holy priest but I might be open to something else on these 2 points depending on the guild.