Hardcore PTR Realm Going Offline Today

not sure why they’d take the hc ptr down and put up pvp the same day/time if this was the case.

That would be a lead reason as to why they can’t run both servers for sure. What I would say though is the PTR was riddled with a lot of bugs that needed patching. Especially the amount of people that I saw dead one day and than abused the rezzing in a major city thing which kind of ruins the integrity of playing hardcore but at least people found it now so it can be fixed for next PTR testing cycle

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oh for sure, it needed to be taken down for fixes

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Agreed, this ptr was a joke. Endless WSG with zero AV and maybe 5 AB’s.




I’m sure the devs find it much more fun to PvP with the players than listen to the endless river of complaints from wannabe HC players. They said approximately 7 days.


Even if the HC sever comes back up tonight (maybe) unless there’s changes it’s like the PVP sever meh give us 30-60 to test

Is this everyone’s first time?

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I want to play HC!

So the pvp ptr has gone offline and the tab for the hard core ptr has reappeared but the server is still offline - I guess that means it’s going live soon.


I just noticed that. It was not like that about 2 hours ago. A good sign maybe? :slight_smile:


That’s on us though, for some reason these um people don’t want to queue for anything but WSG… It’s sickening.

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When is Hardcore open?

Just remember it took em 4 hours to put the PvP sever up so give em 2-3 more hours

Yes, I imagine there might be a small patch to be applied too. (And patch is applying on my battle.net now) And server came up after patch applied.

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HC is back up!

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looks like nothing changed on HC max still 30 i can only do so much at that

When will the full HC servers be up?

I am new to PTR - which PTR am i suppose to click and install for HC Classic?

Is hardcore classic PTR up right now? If not what time?