Hardcore is really fun, just one thing

Pretend what? Being so attached to pixels or time spent that one cannot fathom starting over is exactly softcore. Many try it and when they fail, they’re simply done with it. How many tries would you do?

Pretend? Pretend what exactly?

I know this was not directed to me but, for transparency, I have 8 active hardcore toons and have lost 6 (it feels like more though) on my primary account. I have 2 more hardcore toons on a secondary account (used for team leveling with primary toons) and have lost 2 on that account.

I think 5 times, two to DC which is where I stopped caring to try again. It’s not attachment but rather the realization that while the challenge was fun and spicy enough to make even an incredibly bland and archaic game like classic feel great…It’s not good enough to keep doing it numerous times. Losing to DC twice was especially stupid.

And most people when they put in time into their character they absolutely feel invested into it in some shape or form. It is an investment in a way and after a while it loses its luster

To be fair that is the unique appeal of HC but also one of its biggest weaknesses and why likely the whole concept will unlikely move beyond classic. Which is fine staying it as an unique way to play the game for a little bit.