Hardcore is really fun, just one thing

There are many quirky and strange things in Classic that can cruelly and unfairly kill you, which, of course, is why Hardcore is great and really fun. However…

Ship-drops, FP-drops and DC’s should not be among them. This should really be common sense to just about anyone.

Thanks for listening!




You die, you die.

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those kinds of deaths are like getting struck by lightning. it can happen any time you walk outside but it’s pretty dang unlikely :expressionless: just relax.


Death in real-life comes in many forms. Hardcore is no different.

Hardcore is fun, but it sucks losing a char. I’d wager hardcore won’t last for another couple of months; five at the absolute tops. Its pop will shrink the more people experience the 1-20 grind since lvl 15 seems to be the level when people die the most.

Oh well, have fun while it lasts.

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That’s the best part.


The casuals are already leaving and it’s wonderful. There are plenty of hardcore players that enjoy the mode and are happy to see the weaker population move on to softer games.


Ship drops currently teleport you to a graveyard. They should modify FP drops to exhibit the same behavior as it’s for the same reason “transfer aborted”

As far as DCs that is a bit harder to address as we don’t want people alt+F4 or yanking their ethernet cord to avoid a death.

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Yes. This tends to happen in all versions of the game when something new drops.

It will last as long as Blizz wants it to last. People playing around with something new doesn’t mean it’s over.

Look at Era. Pronouncements of its demise were very premature. Doom post if you wanna but playing whatever you enjoy and not worrying is more fun.

It’ll last till I feel finished with it, and thanks, I intend to have fun ^.^

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What is with this goofy take :sob::sob: “everybody that left just cant keep up :nerd_face::nerd_face:

The game has been out for almost 20 years lil bro, i promise nobody is saying hc is too hard im done! :skull::skull:


Not at all what I said, try harder.

Its not just you saying it, no offense to you lil bro but its a god awful take :skull:

You were replying to my post:

And completely misrepresented what I said. You are also being considerably condescending. Again, try harder if you are going to troll, this is weak.

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I agree it is fun lost 2 charc’s myself already but I think when Season of Discovery hits it’ll take a good chunk from Hardcore at least for awhile if not permanently.

I’m loving Hardcore, it’s very addictive, but to me personally it’s more just a fun side thing, I’m absolutely excited for SoD so hardcore will definitely hold me over till November 30th.

I’m taking a break so that I can finally get around to playing Baldur’s Gate 3. But I know that I’ll be back, probably quite soon. I sometimes wobble between different games, and I’ll likely get the itch to play Minecraft again at some point

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That flight path D/C and then dropping to your death when you log back in… that existed in original version. The worst part about it though, sometimes it resets your spells so you cant bubble or iceblock down. I have been playing WoW since it first launched on 04 so many years ago. Have only died to this bug a few times. You have a much greater chance of dying in the Undercity elevator than you do this bug.

If you do D/C in middle of a flight path, it is easy enough to save yourself. You can ask some friends to come in game to where you logged out, have a mage there, log in, have the mage cast slowfall on you… Saved.

Blizz fixed it weeks ago.

Rats, I never got to experience it :upside_down_face: