No my recordings already showed malicious intent and at the time of DC it was a service interruption out of no where. I have multiple recordings of these service interruptions and multiple tickets. I was doing an activity I have done for many hours which was farming my mining route in Burning Steps*.
That sheeet is etched in stone, I GUESS…
While I understand the terms outlined for Hardcore realms, the blanket acceptance of permanent consequences for “any reason,” including disconnections, server outages, or technical issues, raises significant concerns about the fairness and legality of such policies in a paid service environment.
From a legal standpoint, service providers like Blizzard are expected to uphold a certain level of reliability and performance, particularly when their platform requires ongoing server stability for the product to function as advertised. The disclaimer essentially absolves Blizzard of any responsibility for delivering a consistent experience, regardless of whether the issue arises from their infrastructure, external attacks, or other factors outside of a player’s control. This could be considered a breach of implied warranty of merchantability, which ensures that a product or service will work as expected in ordinary use.
Specifically, the policy may conflict with consumer protection laws in regions like the EU or the US, where terms that excessively favor a company over consumers can be deemed unconscionable or unfair. For example:
- In the EU, the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Directive prohibits contract terms that cause a significant imbalance to the detriment of the consumer.
- In the US, under state-level consumer protection laws, disclaimers that attempt to waive all liability for technical failures may not hold up in cases where a company has failed to exercise reasonable care.
Moreover, the policy fails to account for exceptional circumstances where a player’s experience is directly impacted by external threats (e.g., DDoS attacks) or internal failures (e.g., server instability). Players invest time, money, and effort into these games, and it is Blizzard’s responsibility as the service provider to ensure reasonable safeguards are in place to prevent losses caused by factors outside the player’s control.
By shifting all accountability to the player, Blizzard risks alienating its loyal community and could face legal challenges if such policies are seen as excessively one-sided. A more balanced approach, such as offering limited exceptions or safeguards for extraordinary cases, would not only enhance fairness but also reinforce trust in the service.
This is a well documented occurrence. This is just coming to light now. Authorities have been notified and reports have been made and it continued after telling individuals to stop.
Damn straight. They can’t do ANYTHING for a now dead character except move it to a different classic realm for free so it’s not a total waste. We accept the risk. We accept the responsibility. We accept the time wasted before dying from some random act of critter caught in an AoE but not killed, pulling a bunch of elites over and amputating your face. We accept sneezing on a lvl 60 and walking off a cliff means that character is now dead on that realm and there’s nothing we can do to change that because we agreed.
From a legal standpoint, Blizzard has feared their customers creating something to pry their profits away ever since DotA was made using their own campagin editor.
If you don’t want your death to be permanent, don’t play on Hardcore. It’s that simple.
Not for DC’s outside a player’s scope of control.
But the game cant see you unplug your modem or router. The fact that I have to explain to you that there are ways to simulate a DC beyond pressing alt+f4 means you clearly havent thought this through at all.
You clearly didn’t read my parentheses.
And you clearly didn’t state the issue regardless.
Fun fact: In the past we had the ability to intentionally lag our connection and client but in such a way that it was still stable enough to stay connected. This essentially made the lagging character completely immortal in PvP. Of course that’s not gonna last long lol. They fixed it once they figured it out.
You ever play Hardcore Diablo 2?
You can press Esc, have your mouse centered to the middle of the screen, and then leave the game.
Should they patch that up? Let the character just remain in game for 20 seconds AFK? Or nah, that’s fine?
Amorix you are clearly biased here, I have a recording of being DDOS attack, recorded with wireshark of the time of disconnect, which oddly enough the servers just happened to miss align my character state and rendered me dead, for not being in combat and aswell no chance of respawns since the NPC pack was well dead before the disconnect.
Do all ppl irl die fairly!? There you go… now go agane !
Mobs respawn instantly if others are in the area killing mobs as well.
I’d like to provide clarity on the recent incident regarding my character’s status. There was no disconnect or engagement with any NPC that could have caused my character’s death. This is further supported by the absence of a hardcore death counter acknowledgment, which would typically register such events.
The issue seems to stem from a potential misalignment between the character’s safety state during a disconnection or server issue and the state loaded upon re-entry into the game. In this case, it appears that my character was erroneously registered as dead upon logging back in, despite no valid in-game cause or acknowledgment of death.
This kind of desynchronization raises concerns about how the server handles character safety during abrupt interruptions and could potentially affect other players in similar circumstances.
I’m happy to provide logs or additional information to help identify and resolve this issue. Thank you for looking into this matter.
I had fun with that myself… I transferred my char off-realm and remade it to start over and didn’t really look back. I had a feeling I really shouldn’t have been questing at the time and that I really needed to not be there… I ignored that feeling and died.
Start over. No point in complaining about something I agreed to, and then ignoring the gut feeling.
When did I agree to be maliciously attacked by known streamers when I asked them to stop, I don’t use 3rd party trackers to find their IP and bloat their networks and abuse ties with blizzard employees to be a psycho and use their power to punish others. I pay for this game, it’s not a free to play game. I have reported multiple times of this happening and now all the sudden my character is evaporated? Why would anyone continue to invest into hardcore and even try to acomplish hitting 60 and attempting to progress endgame, if blizzard employees and content creators just can manipulate outcomes…
Did you have any friends nearby that recorded anything? Because you can die after logging out/disconnecting even if there are no monsters present where you are. Unless in a rested area (under normal circumstances), you hang on a bit afterwards. Meaning someone or something could have led to your death.
But in the end, it doesn’t really matter because they can’t rez you regardless of how you died. Even in the proven cases of griefers intentionally getting people killed, there’s nothing they can do to bring those dead characters back.
I was level 59 with about 120k xp to go to get to 60. I was being super careful. I got dc’d and came back dead.
I changed from ‘go again’ to ‘never again’.
Please start reading and stop yapping about a biased answer. The death counter did not register my death, which still registers even on DC kills, there were multiple guild members that were confused when i logged back in and said I was dead and to their shock they said it didn’t show up in the counter.
Meaning that was caused by a misalignment on blizzards end with registering my character dead with no server validation or a NPC killing my player regardless of connected state