Hardcore: A Fad, or Fate?

I want to determine how many people here believe that Hardcore is going to be a flop, a fad, and nothing to hold it up, and how many of those who hold on strong and say that HC will be the best thing going for Classic. Just leave your responses and reasonings below. I want to know.

Blizzard is only supporting hardcore because of the viewership it brought in on Twitch. It was very popular and booming. But it has dropped off because there’s only so many times you can die and start over before it gets old. Maybe some players can do it all the time but they are the few.

For me personally, I like watching the hardcore raids, but I’ll never do them.


I think there are enough people who enjoy hardcore that it will do fine for a while.


Fine either way but it really needed it’s own servers. Now, it will have them so congrats :slight_smile: (No sarcasm)


Should do about as good as HCSSF addon.

I don’t really care if there are hundreds of thousands of people playing. There will be plenty enough to form groups for instances and whatnot and it will be very interesting to see how many people cheated on their HC apps to get to 60

It’ll boom and bust.

Rinse and repeat.

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This is how current era media works. Insane focus on a thing for a little while and then it becomes deader than dead.

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I think once people start to play it and DIE, they will lose interest. I think in the end it will have less long term (3+ months) appeal than SoM or fresh for the larger audience.

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With death=transfer it’s FAKE

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I originally was sceptical, but I’m cautiously optimistic it might become a nice, slow-paced server with an emphasis on roleplaying.

And if that’s the case, I think it could attract and retain a sufficient mass of like-minded players.


Those who want fresh will play until death, the HC community don’t seem to like the rules so who knows what will happen.

If I’m standing in the HC server and look around… everyone I see, anyone I interact with, are all on their one life. Any dead and transferred characters are all gone and I’ll never see them. There will be no evidence they were ever there. How does that make HC fake?

Whether someone transfers or rerolls on death has no impact on you or the server community. As far as the HC server is concerned, one life is one life.


Full cope, HC is Death=Delete
Anything else calling itself Hardcore is a LARP


Hardcore is definitely a fad. Those servers will be ghost towns in 2 years.

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2 years? Try 2 months.

Blizz only cares, because it blew up on twitch a bit. But that sort of content gets old fast, and they will just move on.


Wouldn’t it be easier to just put your head in the sand?


It’ll die down, but never die off.
HC in one form or another has been going on for more than 11 years. I do not expect the challenge to die from being given its own server.


This is accurate. It already happened to a bunch of streamers. They will come back if it brings them viewers but starting over is for the few, not the majority of people. It will be more fun to watch people die than actually playing it.