Hard to believe they need yet another 8 hour Maintenance on Tuesday

It was this thread and the community flagged it for trolling so it got removed.


That is because it is trolling…?

These things… they take time.

It isn’t. It’s a joke. A prank. But everyone is so sensitive these days. Can’t even tell people about the infinite gold glitch you get when you hold Alt+F4.

Edit: Also, servers are back up.

“to deliberately upset others” - google definition of trolling. You know it upsets players so it is trolling.

They’re gonna need more for how broken group finder is.

Your post is upsetting me. Stop trolling.

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Not at all hard to believe when we have seen how after every reset thus far in S4 something is broken horribly.

They will take 8 and something was still broken :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: