Hard to believe they need yet another 8 hour Maintenance on Tuesday

Hoping there is going to be some class balancing because S4 is very broken with a few classes right now

shakes fist how could they?!

10.2.7 is on Tuesday with MoP remix a week later.

We will likely get class tuning announcements later Tonight or Monday like usual if they plan on a large patch of class tunings for the patch.

I rather think of how unplayable the game will eventually end up if they do not do enough maintenance. Also, WoW doesn’t have as many players as it used to anymore. That means less income to pay for the staff running it. It may very well be fewer people doing the maintenance today and as such, it will take longer. And to top it off, massive changes with new systems are coming, little by little the game is prepped for the upcoming TWW expansion. Patience is a virtue so just do something else on Tuesdays.

Yeah ones that come to mind atm are MM Hunter, Ret Pally, Boomy and Monks and some dmg class healing is out of control

Sure sounds like a complaint thread to me.


I work till 6est anyways on Tuesday I was more curious on what was going on to be honest

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Someone missed the first ten years of this game.

What part im curious ? But good job trolling you’re killing it lol

Next week is 10.2.7. the week after is MoP Remix.

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I hope you’re prepared for 1-2 hour maintenance for the following 1-3 days as well. Just fair warning.

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Sure. Here ya go:

Both of those right there exude complaining with annoyed sarcasm. If you were genuinely curious, you wouldn’t be using such phrasing.

No one is trolling. Just because you want to defend your complaint, doesn’t mean the person pointing out said complaint is trolling.

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Pretty weak retort my friend but nice try :slight_smile:

It’s patch day.


Who knew that pointing out exact phrasing and explaining what you asked me to explain somehow warranted more insults from you.

The only “weak retort” I’m seeing is your response. I’m guessing you’re a PvP player by your attitude.

I’m also not your friend. “Nice try.”



  • Shrink a random mount

Can’t you see they’re swamped?

Yup I am and thats a nice generalization, LOL thx for the laugh

It’s almost like there’s a new patch launching next Tuesday and Blizzard wants to make sure everything goes smoothly… :thinking:


AAAAAAGH REALLY?? :dracthyr_cry_animated: that’s like the only thing I’m looking forward to!

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