

You sure he’s not a quest npc? This jackass named Anduin was stalking me too for like 2 months until I helped him with his stupid quest to save the world. Wasn’t even sure if he was a pally, priest, or war.

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There is a difference between observation, and obstruction. If you are standing shoulder to shoulder, you are observing. If you stand ON the person, and move with them when they move to keep doing it, then it is obstruction. Best thing is to just take it into an instance so that 12 year old gets bored and does something else.

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I mean if an NPC that can follow me every where than sure, lets go with that >.>

Sounds like Brann if he is standing ON people

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This dood isn’t getting bored, he does this for hours on end

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Not to downplay the frustration OP is having, but that’s such a great word, used perfectly here.


Probably just waiting for his mom to call him for dinner. I would just grab an instance (Garrison, Dungeon, or Raid) and enjoy the RP.


In-game ignore is not account to account. It’s character to account. So if the offender knows the names of your alts, they can continue to contact you until you place that character on ignore again.

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Then they’re obviously having an effect, so they’re being persistent.

It really takes a lot of self control to totally ignore someone like that.

Report them, and have your guildmates report them, and otherwise act as if they weren’t there.

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That is what we have been doing, like we are having a guild beach day and he has just been standing there, all the guild has him on ignore he has been here for 4 hours now

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That’s naive thinking that enables stalkers. In a game this large and diverse, the chances that a player winds up going to the same places and standing on top of the same people all the time out of pure happenstance is near zero. There is something wrong with anyone who would do this, and that is a problem.

The people who are telling the OP not to engage or interact with the person are correct. However difficult it is, just ignore, document, and report. Don’t give them the reaction they so crave.

I’ve had the game follow me into my RL work, and it’s not fun. Don’t panic, but at the same time take it seriously. There are some odd people out there.


Then you can satisfy yourself by thinking of it this way:

You are actually controlling this player’s time. They could be doing anything else, but they are taking the time to stay with you.

Again, treat them as if they do not exist. (Make sure ALL of your guildies are doing the same) It may take awhile (as in a few days or more) but eventually they will probably find someone else to bother.

Also this: They CANNOT stop you from playing the game, or doing RP, or anything else, unless YOU LET THEM.

They do not exist. Make it so.


Ignoring isn’t the answer, reporting is. If you’re not reporting them, Blizzard doesn’t know it’s happening.

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We have been reporting, but alas, nothing has been done.

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All I can say is it takes time to look into reports and you’ll never be told what action was taken, if any.

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He’s just standing there


Try wearing clever disguises


Also, don’t tell them you’re reporting; that just tells them you’re paying attention, which is what they want.


The problem is, OP is one of those odd people, and they keep the company of said odd people regularly. I even threw out a fellow recently for sexually harassing a current member and a former one in Discord, found the fellow in OP’s guild when they whispered me by-passing the ignore I had on them.

I still have what they said and did in the Discord excommunication channel, but I won’t violate forum CoC by saying their name here.

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