Harambes Heroes has been together since the end of TBC. We have a consistent group of players and are looking to fill some holes in the roster to be ready to go for Ulduar and beyond. We are an achievement focused guild, and we clear all content. We are always recruiting exceptional players outside of the current recruitment needs.
Naxxramas - 15/15
Sartharion - 3 Drake
Malygos - 1/1
Ulduar - 11/14
Raid Schedule
25 man - Fri - 9pm-1am Server Time(EST)
10 man - Thurs - 8pm-12am Server Time(EST) (Optional)
Loot System
Loot Council - Based on attendance, BiS, Performance, and anything else relevant.
Mounts - 100% mounts are rolled off each week. Low Drop Chance mounts are Gold Bid and gold is donated to the guild bank.
- Sign-on Bonus
- Guild Repairs
- Flasks Provided
Recruitment Needs
Shaman - Resto/Ele
Hunter - Any Spec
Warlock - Demo/Aff
Death Knight - Blood
If your class is not on this list, or you are interested in joining the guild, please message one of the officers in-game. Mingmingx, Zandk, Buschwick, Chanchozc. You can also message me on discord at Angrydruid#2308. We look forward to hearing from you!