Do you guys even play this game? Aethervision has blatantly ruined the spec for most people. How can the developers be this out of touch with the community? The overwhelming sentiment in the Mage communities is that double dipping was good and Aethervision is bad and you guys put out a statement that you’re happy with it. It is insulting.
People are just going to avoid the spec now knowing that the developers are clueless as to what fun looks like, unless you tune it to be overpowered, then they’ll begrudgingly play it because they have to.
based and true, arlo was the one true king
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What do you suggest? Remove Aethervision? Remove Barrage damage increase from Nether Precision?
Literally just revert most of the 11.0.5 changes for Arcane. They had lightning in a bottle.
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Yes, them being “satisfied with Arcane” when there is so much backlash from Arcane Mages lately is odd. Not sure whether they would want to revert to 11.0.5 changes since they likely think that it was “bugfixing”, but who knows, they did make reverts before.
If they decide not to revert, least that they could do is:
- Delete Nether Conduit before even implementing it, make Aethervision no longer stack with or not permit consuming Nether Precision on Arcane Barrage while Aethervision is fully stacked and active and buff value of Arcane Barrage or Aethervision to compensate. Then people can just CC → NP x 2 → ABar without need to delay ABar till consuming next Cleracasting or having to track additional buffs.
- Reduce number of stacks for Arcane Harmony to 8 or 16 and buff their value. That would allow to also align Arcane Harmony with each 1-2 Aethervisions and would simplify rotation a bit too if Harmony would be played enough.
Alongside removal of season 1 tier set with Arcane Barrage refund that overlapped with Aethervision and provided yet another modifier to track, that should make rotation more simple and intuitive. There would still be conditional buffs to Arcane Barrage to track like Burden of Power and Arcane Bombardment, but much less and these at the very least are kinda scripted (BoP every X casts of Arcane Blast / Barrage and ABom when target hits execute phase) and should not be too hard to track.
I think they should just admit it wasn’t really a bug, it’s how many effects in the game work. It is completely out of touch with the development history of this game that they considered it a bug to begin with.
Additionally, I am extremely skeptical of their ability to handle new approaches to recreate the magic here. They need to just stop ego’ing the playerbase and accept they were incorrect, if I was the only person who felt this way I would drop it but that is not the case.
I’ve mained mage since TBC and don’t think we’ve ever had less enjoyable gameplay for one of our specs. It was in a great spot prior to the burden of power change. Maybe the numbers needed tuning but what we got was needlessly terrible.
Burden double dipping wasn’t unique, even within the mage class. For example shatter combos and barrage into to touch have both have been around for a long time, haven’t broken gameplay, and haven’t precluded tuning when needed. I find it really hard to believe these changes played out as intended.
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I agree with your solution, I hope blizzard at least look into this.