Happy to sign the new social contract, but here's the thing

:+1: Amen to that.


You do realize no social contract is going to make people play with you right? You realize its not going to automatically turn solo players into group players.

All it is, is a pr stunt that’s just showing you the same tos you already agreed to years ago when you first started playing. Literally nothing will change.


No, you’re not the only one. I certainly don’t deny that we have some toxicity but I think people conflate isolated situations into commonplace events when they are really not. The bad experiences stick out more than the good ones.


I remember the days of barrens chat. WoW is so tame now. Yeah, more censorship is needed to return those players from a near two decade old game.


Most are going to click agree, and it will be business as usual. The only ones that are too concerned about the social contract imo are probably the ones that like spamming channels with political spam or are rude to others all the time. Some people are not happy unless they can be mean, rude, etc to others while being able to hide behind the interwebz. Play nice, and don’t go out of the way to rage on others, and you will have nothing to worry about. It’s not difficult to be friendly, or just keep quiet, if you get upset.


Miss the Chuck Norris jokes in Barrens chat lol.


I get my barans chat fix in the old republic. Dromund kaas chat makes barans chat look tame lol


I agree. Either people are polite and civil or they aren’t.


You’re dissembling. You may see cannibalising the unreleased corpse of another player as “playing a fantasy game employing mechanics that fit the motif” but that’s just your opinion. Another could find it degrading, could find being mind controlled by someone violative of their consent. If I can /threaten someone with an emote, why can’t I spit on them?

And the answer: WOW IS NOT REAL LIFE. It’s a GAME with death, murder, destruction, torture, asphyxiation and evisceration. In this game, /spit (which can be turned off by simply ignoring the spitter) censorship is just meaningless window dressing by a beleaguered company to show in court that they’re “doing something”. It changes absolutely nothing. On trade chat insults far more degrading and pointed are routinely hurled at players.

This is just putting a lace doilies on an iron maiden. If you want to make the world a better place, to make the video game World of Warcraft your personal battleground is pointless self-pleasuring. It changes nothing about the real world or people’s behaviour.


Blizzard seems to clearly disagree and on this point, I think they are right. There is no need for a /spit emote. So why have it at all?

By your reasoning, should we also have /$#@#, /^#$%, and /@$$#% emotes as well. Why not just full on /insertepithethere as well?

Personally, I think you are morally confused on this issue, or at the very least, disingenuous.

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Generally, the politeness of people depends on social context. It’s not a matter of either “they are polite or they aren’t”. Anyone with experience with people knows this.

The idea is to create context for social engagement that encourages politeness and positive emotional experiences.

Think of this way:

One game with positive emotional experiences and social engagement.

One game with negative emotional experiences and poor social engagement.

Which game do you think will be more successful?

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People don’t care if you are being sincere or not they just want the illusion :laughing: just like humans do everywhere else in life


I do miss the /spit emote. It was great.


Same. For every bad person I’ve come across, I’m come across a lot more that were, at the very worst, just there and doing nothing to hinder my or other’s enjoyment of the game.

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Isn’t the contract simply a reiteration of things that have always been in the TOS and EULA?

They are simply pulling the specific lines out of the larger text and putting them up front in an attempt to emphasize them.

We’re not being asked to sign anything new.

I understand that, but I am doubtful that it can be imposed. It is up to the players themselves.

The devs gave the bird toys appropriate difficulties though. With a correspondingly low stakes.

Great post OP. To shorten even further, the contract is only good if there’s enforcement. People will push the boundaries, and failing to account and adjust for that makes it meaningless.

I need a TLDR for the TLDR


Yeah and when they enforce it to those who push those boundaries, those people who pushed that boundary will throw a tantrum complaining Blizzard is being greedy and complain they did nothing wrong.