I don’t eat that evil cranberry stuff.
Well technically I eat turkey with my best friend and her Filipino family, but I don’t eat turkey with my brother’s American in-laws.
It’s a fun dichotomy.
Thanksgiving is a harvest festival. Being further north, our harvest finishes earlier than the region American Thanksgiving originated from. Hence the October date.
Canadians Celebrating Thanksgiving!? Preposterous!
Oh wait, they are… Huh, Nice, and a month early? Does that mean if I had a house on the US/Canada Border I would have two thanksgivings?
And in July, a national holiday on the 1st, and 4th.
Mmm turkey with maple syrup!
Laughs from Detroit. Yep, we celebrate the Fourth and Canada Day with Windsor just across the river.
…born and raised in South Detroit
Oh, you mean Windsor?
The only place in the USA where Canada is south of us!
I made chicken and dumplings… close enough
Sometimes I feel like environmentalists could learn a lot from the MAGA cultists in that the messenger does matter, and choosing the wrong one can entirely tank your movement.
i love thanksgivng and the food im proud be a american :')
Now, I’m hungry, lunch time.
I had a turkey sandwich for lunch. That totally counts, I think.
Happy Thanksgiving you extreme ‘northerner’
Lol , Tom the Turkey! I was just watching this episode of the Simpsons.
Only one Labo(u)r Day though. And your summer starter is a week before ours, Victoria/Memorial Day. It’s funny how much the Holidays do match up.
Someone who does live on the border and whose cable company has always included the CTV and CBC out of Toronto as as local stations along with the 4 US networks.
I like the May holidays being a week apart. Keeps the border lineups shorter.
Oooh yeah your all’s is today.
Happy Thanksgiving!
i dont need a holiday to stick goat meat in the oven. yum delicious goat.