Happy Thanksgiving to all my compatriots as we cleverly get first pick of the turkeys.
So uh.
We skipping Halloween then?
Its Thanksgiving in Canada
Well Happy thanksgiving then. As an American, if it doesn’t effect me, it doesn’t exist.
And also we can skip Halloween. Aren’t most commercial places in the US prepared for Christmas already?
They are. I’ve been drinking pumpkin spiced latte’s here since May because fall was right around the corner.
I identify as a turkey so please remove this post and ban this guy forever because I don’t think people should eat guys like me in a certain day and then get in the forums and brag about it and stuff
i’m buying a turkey this year and I’m going to dress it up in rainbows before i send it to the slaughterhouse to get me turkey! yum yum
America’s hat high as heck, eatin thanksgiving dinner over a month early. But we still got love for yall
Also Happy Thanksgiving, neighbors to the north
LOL I was at home depot 2 weeks ago and they were setting up for Christmas, wtf?
I love me some Christmas but damn. I want my fall leaves, apple drinks and Halloween.
I wish it was thanksgiving. I also wish I lived in Canada but that’s another story for a different day.
Happy Thanksgiving!
That’s when you have Nightmare before Christmas parties.
Those are fun. You put out Christmas and Halloween decorations and you have costumes for both holidays!
You have treats from both too. Brother did it a few years ago and it was one of the best parties I ever went to!
I remember when you didn’t see a single Christmas decoration until after Thanksgiving (US). Just something weird about putting Halloween stuff up next to nativity sets.
We have family coming over tomorrow. Mother, the amazing cook, has been prepping stuff all today. It’s going to be nice. Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh hell no, we aren’t skipping Halloween for fatsgiving.
No turkey this year
Bought one and lost power for a week in the big storm, so had to toss it unfortunately
I just set up my 12ft skeleton, no way in heck are we skipping Halloween
Canadians have Thanksgiving today.