May the 4th be with you!
Now and always a Jedi.
I little SW story: I had the honor of operating the projector tht showed the first bit of SW in Australia.
As a very young and mad keen science fiction fan, I was a member of our local SF Club and we used to show old SF movies on a 16mm projector up on the wall. Anyhow, I managed to get an invite to the press conference for the first SW film that was opening in Sydney with some of the actors etc there. They had brought along part of a reel of the movie to show to the press, and when everyone sat down, lights go off and then…“does anyone know how to run a 16mm projector?” So I nervously put up my hand and said “Me!”. So I ran the projector showing that first piece of the film. (Yeah, bit of a giveway of my age range…)
Some things you just don’t forget.
Yayyy, one of the few holidays that actually matters to me.
All 3 star wars movies are timeless and fantastic.
I see what you did there.
same to you OP - but be careful tomorrow because it is The Revenge of the 5th
Unless you’re from Ohio, then today is the day the Kent State Students were shot by the national guard.
may the 4th be with u!
My former boss and one of my co-workers are giga Star Wars fans and seeing how excited they are to share that with their respective kids, it really has Disney-level magic to an extent.
It’s why I really, really dislike Rian Johnson. Star Wars is going to outlive his goblin ***, the fact that he thought he could treat Star Wars like his play thing and subvert the fan base is just… oof. What a loser.
I will say I am thrilled however that after that incident, Disney has taken a larger view, that they are the stewards of the franchise more-so than it just being another IP.
Happy watching three movies since the other six movies are terrible…
Tales of the Empire came out today.
And any of the cartoons, like the Clone Wars, and the Disney + shows. After that, just Google the plots of the other six movies.
Babylon Bee reports:
Mark Hamill Joins Death Star Press Conference To Say What A Good Job He Thinks The Emperor Is Doing
All three? I counted nine. Not to mention the spin-offs.
RIP Star Wars. Destroyed franchise
May the 4th be with you too!
Rogue One is a top-tier movie and I’ll die on that hill.
Every time I read this my brain imagines Daffy Duck dressed up like a Jedi