Happy International Men's Day

This right here.

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arthas. no wait, chen stormstout. NO WAIT! garrosh hellscream! :metal:

No way!

As soon as anyone starts talking about our problems as a man, we will get denigrated. There is no point.


Why not try and see?

sets out trays of Chaos Nachos

Let’s get down to business, to defeat, the Huns.

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i ran out of chili fries, and im worried that the people who been eating them recently can tell the difference of tomato sauce mixed with dirt n rocks i been feeding them…

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I only sneezed on them anyways. Extra flavor.

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did you watch the orc eat em as you proceeded to sneeze?

Yes. They are crazy like that.

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My favourite man in wow is me!!!
No but actually it would have to be Zul’jin.

It’s not even just the suicide rates, it’s also all the angry young men that end up becoming mass-shooters. And of course, why they did it just gets swept under the rug/completely ignored by society (…until the next mass-shooter makes the news)

Even for something like mental illness, American society seems to make fun of those men or tell them to “just get over” the depression/mental issue rather than point them towards actual help… which further increases the chances of that dude becoming suicidal or a mass-shooter etc etc

The censorship of any talk of men’s issues certainly doesn’t help matters either


I could pound a few beers back with Chen.



Wish he was my actual dad lol

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Just thinking about the year 1963 and the banning of the Bible in schools. Kids are less grounded in faith and more involved with the secular culture, which is detrimental for mental development.

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I’m a theistic Satanist and even I find this court ruling disgusting.

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Welp, day’s pretty much over. I hope everyone had a nice time and that any threads made on international women’s day next year can stay about as civil as this one.


Aww I missed the threads. I’m a self made man, celebrated with leftover beef stew. Here’s hoping everyone had a good day. :heart:

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Oh look the op got hidden because it was reported, surprising precisely zero people.

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Why is this flagged? Unbelievable…what is wrong with showing solidarity and support for practily half of the population on this earth???