Happy ICC Buff Day

I wish you all luck in your raids this week :slight_smile:


8/12 for us before the buff. Happy to get as far as we did. I have hope we’ll get 11/12 at 5%, but I don’t feel like we’ll get LK until 15% or 20%.

We (My raid team) finally got it the lockout before last. Biggest bottleneck on lich king was getting 4 raging spirits on final phase transition, and sometimes valk damage.

Both our unbuffed kills were because we had to fish for 3 raging spirit pulls. Even the 5% buff should help us do it when 4 spawn.

We are 11/12 before buff. No way we could have killed LK w/o buff. Heroic one. We’ve been killing LK 25n every week since week 2 or 3.

We got like 7 if that darn 2H Sword.

Literally one week we got TWO of them. And every week we’ve been getting 1 pretty much.

i could be underestimating us. the 10% buff will probably let us full clear ICC up to LK on the first half of the raid night, so we’ll be able to get the pulls in we need. We overcame M’uru (and then KJ) before the nerfs. Maybe the fact we’ll get a lot of time on LK at 10% will secure us a 10% or 15% kill.

Yeah, people also have to remember the buff isn’t just damage, it’s healing/absorbs and health as well, which help just as much.

At 30%, many fight mechanics are just not as dangerous.

My guild only killed him twice, both times were double Glorenzelg.

not sure if this was an oversight or not, but can we make sure the that only the raid leader can tell garrosh to leave? I’d like to avoid a random pug dismissing the buff for the entire raid and grief everyone.

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Almost looking forward to it because time has run out for guilds like mine. SOD hurt raid attendance, and chrismas isn’t going to help. It’s always a race against time.

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