Happy halloween

What did you or are you dressing as?

This year I did Hellboy and Neo for work.


We bought boxes of king size candy bars to hand out to kids. Our neighborhood is pretty popular for trick or treaters. Housemates and I decided to have a contest this year.

We each bought boxes of ONE type of candy. We’ll set up a queue for the kids to wait in and see who gave out the most at the end of the night. Housemate A bought crunch bars. Housemate B bought snickers. I bought Butterfingers.

(No one was allowed to buy Reese’s. That would have won.)


I’m dressing up as Frodo today for the kids at my cafeteria! Happy Halloween and a blessed Samhain!


I have a Samhain celebration tonight so I’m not dressing up but I’m going to a belated Halloween party tomorrow as a witch-- I already own the hat, the cloak… and the broom so it makes it easy. :jack_o_lantern:


Gonna be working the drive-thru tonight as Toriel Dreemurr. Oughta be interesting.


If it was Skittles that would’ve gotten my vote

This year was the year of the chocolate. We’ve already made plans for next year being the year of the chewy fruity candy.

I’m going to be buying bags of sweedish fish, and whatever kid doesn’t choose my line is wrong.

Jeez, look at this guy. Rockefeller owns his own neighborhood!


Happy Halloween!

I sadly did not dress up. Couldn’t really afford it.

The BF (Baoshii) had a Jedi costume that is actually really good. He got it for May the 4th and is wearing it again for Halloween. I went him use my lightsaber for it again. XP

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Happy Halloween!

I don’t dress up at work - I’ve been too swamped lately to even consider it. I do have a superhero hoodie on, does that count?

We’re giving out bags of chips. If those run out, I have chocolate. But I’d prefer to keep the chocolate.

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I dressed as a underpaid, overworked and stressed out teacher. Which conveniently only requires me to wear my usual work clothes.

Jokes aside, I don’t do Halloween. Even as a kid I never liked dressing up, going out in the cold, I don’t like candy and then some emotional trauma associated with the holiday. Now as a teacher it just means six times the daily work load since the students come dressed in their costumes and need help going to the bathroom, the parents don’t want the costumes to get dirty or messy, the kids are just hyper because of that and then I have to deal with getting an avalanche of sugary treats and doing a ‘party’ during the day.

Nah, I’d like to just not, thanks.

I was baby yoda this year.


I was Dr. Robotnik on Saturday for a local barcade party:

And I just got in from patrol at another barcade this evening:

Don’t @ me about the barcades…I’m all about alternative fuels cuz I run on alcohol 24/7


I dressed as a human. Horrifying.

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Pretty much all I did was listen to metal and watch vtubers…which is more or less what I do most days.

I also ate a few more sweets than usual, but circumstances prevent me from indulging as much as I have in past years.

Masterful. Just masterful.

Thanks, had a lotta fun with it this year. Gonna take Dr. R to GalaxyCon in December…not sure about my stormtrooper gear though. Takes more than one person to get geared properly and then ya kinda need a handler in case parts start falling off or ya needta use stairs. The other tricky part is if the tape from your microphone (for the vocorder/static box) comes off you gotta stop and have someone add new tape which is not a thing you can carry around cuz this suit ain’t got no pockets. Already ordering TIE Pilot gear for 2024 though - easier to manage in situations where I’ll be on my own since it’s easily geared solo.

Dr. R is really simple since I already have a vague resemblance to the film version. Trickiest thing was finding the right stache adhesive until I tripped over this stuff called Telesis 8 which lasts around 4-6 hours even with full facial expression. Also I hadta learn how ta sew/repair seams since these gloves are cheap as all hell and split at least one seam every time I wear 'em.