Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day, Canadian friends!

–From your American friends <3


Not a Canadian myself but as a side-note on the topic of Canada…

I browse/lurk a good number of reddits throughout the day since it’s a safe-for-work timekiller that’s easy to hide as it’s just basic text for the most part.

Recently while researching an unrelated topic I randomly stumbled upon the main “Canada” sub-reddit (which boasts 2.6 million+ users), and I couldn’t help but notice it basically reads like a “hardcore” conservative/far-right politics forum, lol :flushed:

Anyways, just thought I would share that “Twilight Zone-style” observation, since I was genuinely surprised when I first opened up the front-page there and started skimming thru posts :joy:

Not quite yet, my dude, our turn comes on Thursday.

Happy Canada Day to our neighbors to the north!

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But Canada is south of Detroit!

Anyways, Happy Canada Day! :canada: :us:


Don’t forget Charles III, King of Canada.
Or would he be Charles I, King of Canada?

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Yeah unfortunately far right conservatism is on the rise across the globe :confused:

Even Canada isn’t immune to it.

(My lack of details is intentional to avoid spiralling the topic into something none of us want.)

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:canada: :maple_leaf: :canada: Happy Canada Day ! :canada: :maple_leaf: :canada:

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Now everyone is going to list everyone and anything ever produced from Canada or by Canadians.

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Happy Canada Day! :canada: :maple_leaf:

Image taken from CBC News from this article, uploaded on July 1st, 2015, and credited to Danielle Nerman.

-56 days (52 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


This post confuses me. As an American everything and every day is about us. Everyday is American days. You sit down! lol jk jk. Happy Canada day if true. I need to wish my best bro such as he’s from Canada.

I think that given the utter raging tire fire the reign of the original Chuck del Uno was, they’re not going to do that, regardless of how correct it may be.

Chuck Dos, now; there’s a dude who would have been a hell of a lot of fun to tag along with.

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As someone who lives on the east side of the Niagara, Happy Canada Day to our neighbo(u)rs to the west! :canada:


Nah that’s okay. Let’s try to forget about that. :sweat_smile:

Nostalgic old Molsen commercial:

Will Shatner singing Oh Canada!

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That used to be a really nice subreddit. sad sigh

It’s a mythical, made-up place, like Narnia and “the nice part of NJ”.



A true canadian hero

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North Montana*

Thems fightin words! :sweat_smile: