Happy Canada Day!

I wish I could lol. I’m playin old content to find a class i might like thats diff, and doesn’t get hit too hard with nerfs. Thinking aboot tryin priest.

But on the bright side, we’ve our peace keeper back, now I can pretend like you’re holding me back from things i’ll never do in forums (jokes).

hey now! XD

You could make a tauren priest. You an be a holy cow. xD


lmao I love it.

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meanwhile the world

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its Maga month also btw. its also several peoples birthday the day several people having a funeral so on so forth.

Matt Groening’s father was Canadian so there’s many references in The Simpsons including two singings of the national anthem. One of my favourite episodes is where they go to Winnipeg.

at least it was funny on the simpsons.

Although for South Park I nominated him for an Oscar if it weren’t for Phill Collins.

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as someone who deals with allot of canadians, i do appreciate you guys.
i feel sorry you gotta deal with that goverment tho… yikers.
honk honk

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Well we have Ryan Reynolds and Wolverine, what did you expect from Marvel, and MCU and Disney is wasting it.

And that’s for one of the reasons I’d like to spit in the Russo Brothers’ faces for not including the X-men and watching Thanos turn Wolverine’s Adamantium skeleton into rubber.

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i thought wolverine was australian? hughe jackman i think his name was.

dude what if he snapped and all thats left is the skeleton after he ashed away?

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Happy Canada Day! Fireworks keeping me awake atm! Lol


So loud here too!

I was just in the backyard and they are going off in all directions… The guys to the east have the best show IMHO.

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I just wanna sleep. I work in the morning >.<

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Wtf is Canada day? Did they fight off a wild pack of moose or something?

Pack? Everyone knows the collective noun for moose is “crapload”.


But it would be even more a more interesting movie than a woke stupid Ruffalo Weak Hulk who never wants to transform, plus other script holes that no one will remember the movie no matter how successful it is.

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Why was this flagged?

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that is correct, my great grandfather told me the stories of 1867 when a massive herd of Moose knocked down 75% of all Igloos what was later to become Canada.


Happy Canada Day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
:rainbow_flag: :canada:

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