Happy Canada Day!

Maybe those people are allergic to maple syrup and Tim Horton’s?


Refer to my post above yours.

People that report the op’s post:


Happy Canada day !


Since Timmy’s brought in the Beiber colabs, I have become allergic. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

But all aboot that maple syrup eh!

:maple_leaf: :people_hugging: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Happy Canada Day, Northern friends.


we dont celebrate a day that was born off of the genocide of my native canadian people

happy canada day!
:partying_face: :canada: :balloon:

notices OP’s post got flagged
sad world we live in, where celebrating a holiday is grounds for a thread flagging…


Why is it called Canada Day? We don’t call July 4th, America Day. We call it Independence Day.

Note to all the salty Americans flagging the OP: stop it.

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It’s not the fault of Americans, many of whom have given their best wishes here, which i plan on returning Monday.


How a boot that, happy canadian day, whateve it is, but ye, wish y’all well from Texas.


why was this thread flagged o_O

happy canada day, northerners1!!


It doesn’t take much to offend americans tbh with you. Its an ego thing. “ONLY WE CAN BE EXCEPTIONAL.” Its what comes with Nationalism; the other part being our education is so poor we don’t know the difference between patriotism and nationalism. lol.

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Let’s not make this into a fight please.

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Eh, no fight, just observation. :smiley:

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we were supposed to forgo canada day last year in the name of social justice. maybe it happened again this year? idk

essentially they used ground penetrating radar scan and found 100 anomalies under the ground, the media then extrapolated on that against the advice of the lady who actually did the scan and said it was a “mass grave”. we do have some in canada, there’s just no evidence those spots in particular are mass graves.

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There ya are! Glad you could join us :rofl:

I’ve… I’ve been here… lol

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Oh , I thought you went for a walk or something (no sarcasm).

Oh all good. I took a nap earlier. Now I’m trying to find motivation to do stuff. lol

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