Happy birdday Pepe!


Aww pepe is so cute I want to steal him and boop his cute little beak for 2 days straight


Hopefully they give us Dragonflight costumes for him.


Really have enjoyed Pepe and all of their cute little birb transmogs.

oooo…I want that t shirt!

Where’s our Birthday Pepe?

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We got a pepe avatar on battlenet!
It’s adorable.

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So, kidnapping and torture. Good to know my opinion of gnomes remains valid.

Id like if they add more Pepe costumes

Don’t worry boo I can steal you too!!

Which fingers do you need?

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Well this is a noob question, but I skipped WoD. How do I summon Pepe now?

In Legion I found him hiding in odd places, and he is in my Garrison, but I have encountered these other items that change Pepe’s appearance “when summoned”.

I found an item “Trans-Dimensional Bird Whistle” that is granted from an achievement, is that the only way to summon Pepe?

I did too until I found you can only order it in black …I have enough black tee shirts and black tee shirts in FL in the summer time suck…I wish they had more colors to pick from.

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i thought you meant the green frog for a min lol

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This reminds me I have all those Pepe quests to do still, I need to get on that.

Yes getting the whistle is the only way to summon him if you don’t go back too your Garrison to get him…having the whistle stores all the cute outfits you can collect too…they get added to the whistle when you learn it.


How many do you want, I can always get more.

I’d like to buy the shirt but I’m really weary since it’s the same print-on-demand thing that the 3 duck moon shirt is and I’ve been waiting 4 months to get my shirt. When I asked CS about it a month ago they just said it was delayed and didn’t give an ETA or anything reassuring that it will exist at some point.

Happy birthday birb I never got or found the appeal for :slight_smile: