[H]<ANTIQUATED>Casual Guild Looking for Healer & DPS, 9/10H

Bump, 1/10H starting fresh on Wed!

bump back up

Bump, still looking for a healer!

Need healer for progression! 3/10H

bump, still looking!

Bump back up top

Bump, 4/10H

Still looking 1 heals and a few DPS

Bump back up

6/10H! Still looking for a healer.

Bump, more characters

bump. 9/10H looking for Healer

Bump, still looking for heals!

Looking for 1 healer! 9/10 H Sire to 5%

I’m 7/10 currently on generals (had to sit blood council for guild)

If I can get sire and then reclear for CE I would love to join.

Hit me up on discord

Bump, looking for healer, Raid tonight if you would like to come along!

Bump, still in need of a healer! 9/10H

Bump, still looking