[H]<Animosity> 9/10H CN (PVP/PVE/WPVP)


Animosity is looking for some friendly, non-toxic people to join us as we continue to progress through content and learn/grow together. Newly formed about a month ago now.

We’re 9/10 Heroic and progressing nicely on stage 3, Sire Denathrius (first second full raid day on the boss 38 12%). Next week!

Aspirations will be to move to Mythic afterward, (not super hardcore, however).

Honestly, just looking to have fun together and move onto the next content. Many of us have been playing together for years and would like to add some new friends to that list.


Raid / N/A

However, we will still take people with tank offspecs that can dps.


Would LOVE a Resto Shaman, but also considering the following:

  • Resto Shaman
  • Resto Druid
  • Holy Paladin
  • Mistweaver



  • Priest
  • Hunter
  • Mage


  • Demon Hunter
    * Rogue
  • Windwalker
    * Warrior

Note: We do have an RBG team and are accepting a Warrior/WW and a geared healer around 1900 CR.

Come get AOTC with us and learn alongside. We are still considering other applicants as well.

Feel free to message here, in-game, or find us in the guild finder and apply.

