Secret Technique (supposedly our main ability) damage reduced by 6%.
Cloaked in Shadows now creates an absorb for 18% of maximum health (was 30%).
-1 DoT tick removes this already crappy shield and next tick, you unstealth.
Soothing Darkness now heals for 15% maximum health over its duration (was 24%).
-No shield and not enough healing to survive.
Recuperator now triggers every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
-No other self-healing aside from this stupid talent that depends on Slice-and-Dice.
Gouge cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Gouge now lasts 3 seconds in PvP combat (was 4 seconds).
Kidney Shot cooldown has been increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Tell me that you don’t want us to play rogues without telling us.
My fear is pvp in general is all about how much damage you do and how tanky you are. CC has been minimized quite a bit and what appears to be successful is specs that can do spread damage without dying. The game was best in my opinion when you had options of different playstyles but they way they are heading is homogenizing everything.
100% agree with you, Devs no longer want the class in the game. Its the most boring and un rewarding class with the most idiotic gameplay design ever created. Class tuning/design team needs to be fired.
I was moving around stealth, sapped a player, and immediately got targeted; another player then targeted me and kept me targeted, but I wasn’t even close to him—all this while I was in stealth. They could target/keep target and attack me while I’m stealth.
The stealth mechanic has been messed up for many years and is still broken.
UPDATE: A bug / not working as intended, with enemies not dropping targeting while I’m stealth.
Previously, when I went stealth, the enemy dropped the target (even tho sometimes a second late). However, now they continuously target me (while I’m stealth) even at 10-yard range.
It could be an issue with sticky targeting or “Enable Action Targeting,” which allows the system to dynamically target enemies based on where you’re looking. This option should not target stealth enemies.
This is ruining my gameplay. Please fix it, and I will report it in-game, too.
Somone must have gotten rogue’d too hard last season because these changes absolutely neutered utility. No mounting from stealth, no gliders in stealth, no items in stealth, no racials in stealth. Both in warmode and BGs I feel like a sitting duck everywhere I go. Might as well reroll a warrior at this point. Survivability can’t be worse for them right?
Whelp this doesnt seem like promising news. I hung up the rogue pvp life first day of season 4. Was in an AV tower did my opener on a lock to defend the flag and didnt even get through his demon armor. I lol’d at myself for him and just clicked leave battleground…
Everyone in here is so funny, rogues were immortal and now they’re just gonna be on level with everyone else, maybe even a little harder to kill than most tbh.
Toolkit is still good, and cc is fine. The 30sec cd on kidney just ensures that bad rogues don’t dr their own kidneys anymore.
I don’t know if your post is PvE focused, PvP focused, or both.
Secret Technique - Likely needing the balancing adjustment.
Cloaked in Shadows - All “max-health-based-healing” was reduced across-the-board because max health went way up as part of a healer/healing redesign for the entire game.
Soothing Darkness - (see #2)
Recuperator - (see #2)
Gouge - Likely a more PvP-focused change, though it would affect Delves too.
Gouge - (see #5)
Kidney Shot - (see #5)
… that being said, Rogue need a lot of work. They can still be fun to play, but so much needs to be brought back to the drawing board.
For pvp, if you dont have the reaction timing down to keep the kill target unable to do anything, as a rogue your life is in jeopardy from who your attacking AND any other enemy nearby that doesn’t want to let you parse on your target.
As MM I CC rogues and keep them from restealthing as often as possible so my teammates get “rogued” less often. If I manage to mark them Ill give chase if I can. Sometimes they will just stand still and take the death if they cant restealth.
If they have all Cooldowns and open on me its unlikely I get to live but I try.
Sub has been using Kidney Shot for off target stuns since Shadow Dance has existed. Shadow Dance allows for triple cheap shot on the main target and has been true since Cataclysm expansion.
So the 30 second CD on Kidney Shot impacts Sub like barely. It is annoying for a player like Pika to wait the extra ten seconds but in arena you can use pillars.
However since the devs do not play WoW all that much the 30 second CD on Kidney impacts Assassination the most because it has long ramp up time and must spread pressure. Outlaw to an extent but Outlaw builds CPs so quickly that it can use Vanish to CS more frequently due to CDR.
It is brutal in world PVP and in larger BGs where there are multiple targets. Questing and leveling? Kidney Shot has been turned into a worthless button press.