Hand of Justice ninja nerfed by blizzard?

This only works for Arms, which is a PvP spec. In that case the RNG chance is pretty mediocre, especially since with a 2h and not on a boss they won’t have as many weapon swings as Fury.

Or go ham and get an Ironfoe and team with HOJ for massive damage on PROC and increased chance for Proc

Sure, but DPS-wise given it works differently on Classic (though I don’t think it’s accurate), it’s not as good as just getting better weapons and trinkets. Fury doesn’t get Sword Spec either.

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It’s possible that they did, actually. Blizzard, reportedly, carefully went out of their way to not do certain bugfixes and even purposefully replicated a few that got fixed somehow. Some of the most infuriating ones are still around, for instance Razorgore’s orb can still bug (we had it happen twice), Darrowshire barely works.

If the old game used a different base RNG than what’s seen in the modern client, they may well have loaded the old one up.

That makes a lot of sense! Thanks!

It was nerfed months ago. Not the proc rate - Blizzard made it so it would often eat autoattacks.

Very interesting. I got lucky and got a HoJ pretty early on, and I’ve been using HoJ with Arms Sword spec and the 2h Demonshear from Strat (which procs often for some shadow damage and a short DoT).

Altogether I get a lot of procs, but it took me a while to isolate a HoJ proc in the combat log. I still like the trinket, but if I might have been disappointed with it if I didn’t have the other procs going off too.

i dont like the guy but relax, everyon-

nice one man go back to spamming threads about how unfair premades are and how its not fair you dont get to stomp on casual solo queuers

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It’s just hilarious that he digs himself deeper every time someone seems to be going a bit too far in reaction.

R14 literally means nothing but a time investment. Tons of fury warrs and combat rogues got r14 without even playing a pvp spec. At least in vanilla you had to be good to be in a premade, now you just need no life.

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yeah on alliance…I am well aware they did as ive said countless times before most alliance players don’t even deserve the gear they have, and every time ive faced these rankers without their premade they either afk out or go negative near the bottom of the board. thanks for confirming that. you got those ranks because A. most people on alliance don’t pvp so you have little to no competition in the pools except on the true alliance pvp server like herod and B. you have instant queues and stomp pugs 90% of the time whilst running away(townhall’ing they call it) from a real fight…

Im working on my human warrior now and plan to rank as well, I intend to do the entirety of the grind SOLO, ill take the L but you will never see me giving up…….scrub

Ironfoe with HoJ actually sims pretty terrible especially on a non human. Ironfoe proc rate is pretty dismal and the weapon itself is complete trash.

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You are bragging. But all you are showing is that you have absolutely no life if you have the time available to grind r14 on two characters while pugging. Just grinding to r10 had my wife all bugged with me lol

which is why I made the sound decision to never get married

That is fine. Married or not, would think there would be SOMETHING you could do that is more rewarding then playing classic WoW for 60 hours a week. To each his own. Keep bragging if it brings you happiness :slight_smile:

Really, HoJ was never a massively impactful item for warriors, it was simply the “best” one available by a small margin.

People get hyped up by “best in slot” so much that they tend to ignore that it probably isn’t BiS by a huge margin, so you get people frothing at the mouth for HoJ and then find out that it’s good, but nothing spectacular. About half of the benefit of the HoJ is the fact that it gives you +20 AP, and the proc is the icing on top that pushes it ahead of the other options.

With dual wield setups, the Maelstrom card does proc reasonably often, but it falls off hard on bosses, where you will see a good number of partial resists, and 17% of the procs outright miss as you don’t have any spell hit. HoJ is definitely stronger in a raid environment.

Also, the faster you attack, the less good this trinket becomes due to proc delays making your “extra” attack end up acting more like “your next attack happens slightly faster”

Alliance can, for the most part, easily get 14 with a spouse, kids, and a full time job. Hell, I know a guy in the military that is going for it and you can probably imagine how weird his scheduled can be. 14 is a huge time investment for Horde, not so much for Alliance.

We aren’t talking about JUST getting r14. We are talking about getting r14 on TWO characters without doing a single premade. Horde have long Q times, but alliance lose about 80% of pug matches.