How does this explain that this is only an issue for duel wielding?
@Pswazy this was indeed how sword spec worked in vanilla iirc which is why a lot of people used to say have a dagger in your OH. I think you are always better off taking a swing now as opposed to later though, it just won’t be the DPS increase you might think. And yeah, my swing timer catches this behaviour too, which is why I am sure the HoJ is resetting the MH swing timer with procs from the OH.
Well do we know for sure if events actually occur in the correct order in the combat log with all this artificial spell batching shenanigans?
Also we have no confirmation if HoJ only procs from the MH or from the weapon that triggers the effect which unlike Windfury can happen on both weapons.
Refreshing to see it really isn’t a game bug for a change. Thank you for your smarts in figuring this out.
Reading other comments this isn’t sorted yet so consider this a bump. It would be nice to see a blue give a reply [ha ha i know].
I have been reading a lot of combat logs manually and checking with recount. It is really difficult to a: correlate the additional swing with the message that you get when HoJ procs(fine for sword spec, it is almost as if HoJ has a 1 second delay) and b: See why recount chooses which swing to count as the additional strike.
With time stamps and so on it should be simple to see the additional MH strike but I have no “smoking gun” as it were to directly attribute a MH strike with an additional HoJ strike and a recount misread but I am open to the idea that there could be an issue here with recount.
I did some offhand thrash blade action to check if the additional attacks were(and as far as I can see, they were) OH strikes to see if maybe HoJ offhand procs hit for offhand damage. Every procs still seems to the MH swing timer which makes this trinket questionable.
I would love to know if the BiS gear list guys just fantacize about this trinket’s worth or they have solid evidence it is actually good. It is a bit of a wash but recount says take the 2% hit trinket. Long term average proc rate sitting at 1% at best. I would say after a couple of months it is impossible to be this unlucky.
Dear fellow gamers ,
While on the subject im a newb to this whole in depth subject and I had a question that perhaps maybe someone had knowledge of. I was wondering if you have sword specialization as a rogue and a MH that is sword but an offhand that isn’t does the oh get the swing or mh. Thanks in advance
Sincerely Hitheir