Hand of Fate glitched

Abandoned Hand of fate because the boat that was supposed to take me to the Exodar phased out of existence as soon as I talked to the NPC on the boat, but it didn’t take me with it. Now the quest giver won’t give me the quest again.

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I’m having the same issue on Tichondrius. Did the quest just fine a few weeks back in a different character.

Same thing just happened to me on Frostmourne. As soon as I handed in the quest the ship phased out leaving me and a few NPC’s behind. When I relogged the NPC’s were dropped into the water.

Similar thing happened to me. I came to Stormwind Harbor through the portal to the Sky Ship in the Violet Citadel behind Khadgar, then flew down to where the boat is. The boat that is supposed to take me to the Exodar isn’t even here, but there’s a bucket floating in the air above the water and several deckhands and other NPCs floating in the water. The Guy on the dock addressed me and told me this is my boat and to have a safe trip. I’ve reloaded several times, but the boat won’t appear.

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When I attempted to do this quest with a party of 4 yesterday, the ship never appeared, though I could hear the invisible npc’s wishing me a safe voyage.

Today I did it on a 110 and a 111 separately, neither one boosted. Or I tried to, that is. What happens is when you turn in The Hand of Fate, another quest pops up that you don’t have time to take before the boat vanishes. This quest would have transported you to a phased version of the Exodar where you would have been put on the Vindicaar.

They need to fix this so the boat persists until that second quest is taken. Then it would be waiting for us to come back and take that quest.

It’s pretty annoying having to SUMMON my characters to Argus.

There’s a lot of phasing issues going on at the stormwind docks, but this isn’t one of them.

A possible workaround would be for Romuul on the Vindicar to allow people who show up to start the zone questing.

Can confirm this is still happening (Drenden). Right after turning in Hand of Fate, the boat disappeared and dumped me into the ocean. Logging off and back on didn’t help.

What did the trick was zoning completely out of SW and into Elwynn Forest nearby. The ship reappeared upon zoning back in and I was able to pick up the next quest. The only issue here is that the boat disappeared again before I was able to set sail for Exodar. Just rinse and repeat and this should allow you to continue.

This is definitely some weird phasing bug. Hopefully it gets corrected soon!


Still hasn’t been fixed. I just Tweeted BlizzardCS about it with a screenshot of the empty space where the ship should be, the NPCS in the water and the floating bucket. How annoying. Tried your suggestion, didn’t work. Tried relogging, closing the client entirely, leaving the zone entirely etc. Frustating.

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Imagine trying to run antorus for transmog and having to deal with this bug they haven’t bothered to fix in over a month…

Having issue as well. NPC’s that are supposed to be on boat are just floating in water, no boat to be found. Tried abandoning quest, leaving zone, relogging etc, nothing works. Guess no mog for me.

Edit: Thought I’d add that I’m trying to do this on my Alliance character.

It is now October of 2020 and this bug STILL has not been fixed. Was incredibly frustrating to try and work around and is discouraging me from trying to do argus with alts.

no boat here, quest finished but boat gone, NPCs in water, anyone figure this out? game used to not have game breaking bugs like this, i dont even own bfa so i literally can’t play in content im supposed to be in, lmao

So I was trying to do this quest and it was the same as everyone else. Turned it in on the boat and it phased with npc’s in the water and no way to advance. I had a quest to turn in at SW Keep so did that and decided to check again and the boat was back!! I was able to pick up the quest and it despawned again. So flew toward the Keep again and came back and was able to talk to the NPC to start the event. Annoying, but at least we can do it.


Can confirm - bug still exists. Velheroth’s work around does indeed work. Hopefully this bug will be resolved with the pre patch.

OKay I think we figured out a work around.

  • Disable warmode.
  • Turn in Hand of Fate (Ship disappears)
  • Go to mage tower and zone into mage tower
  • Zone back out of mage tower
  • Ship respawns a/ NPCs
  • accept next step - ship disappears,
  • Zone into mage tower and zone back out again - ship has respawned again.
  • Talk to NPC sand say “I’m ready to go” and you’re off!

/reload doesn’t work, quitting the game doesn’t work, for some reason my wife and I only got it to work when we used the mage tower zone point.

Hope it helps… Embarrassing bug.

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Pretty embarrassing that a major bug like this can go unnoticed and unfixed for this long since it was first reported.

This was reported months ago.

You can fly north out of the city zone. The ship will respawn. It doesn’t have to be the mage tower, and you don’t have to go far. You can do one transaction with the npc’s before the ship despawns, then repeat until you are done.

The horde questline works fine. I think it’s because of all the phasing in sw harbor which isn’t in Bladefist Bay.

Had the same issue and this ‘fix’ worked for me.

this bug is STILL happening in June of 2022!!! absolutely disgusting and, like you said, embarrassing for a company of this scale to leave such a disruptive bug unfixed. Your suggestion worked like a charm though, thank you so much for that!

the end of 2024… still bugged. WAKE UP BLIZZARD HELLO???

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