Some of you know that back in the day I used to be part of , then ran a Hand of Argus guild, dedicated to all things draenei.
Nowadays such timesinks are impossible for me, but I wondered if the guild name was still taken…Turns out it’s not!
So, I claimed it and now dedicate it to all draenei who want to bear the title of “Hand of Argus” like Boros, Kuros and Aesom on Bloodmyst Isle.
It is a guild that will mostly serve as a way to show off a title- and for any draenei who want to join together to do so. I don’t plan on running any events or anything (as of now) so it will just be for funzies.
Message me in game. Sholaad is not part of the guild, but my alt is the GM.
For the Hand! For Argus!