According to the latest WoWhead article, Blizzard has stepped forward and announced that Nightborne will be getting the hand glow that everyone has been asking for. Neat!
YES! Yeeeeeees.
I was already super-happy with all the new Nightborne customization and transmog pieces coming in the patch, but this? Jeez, I wanted it, but I never even bothered to ask for it. I NEVER thought they’d do something like this.
I am a very, very happy night boi right now.
I hope it’s an option…
I never asked for it…
This is HUGE.
Sounds like it is an option in the barber and when creating a new one
That’s pretty cool
That’s good. If they made it baseline like the new DK eyes, I’d be grumpy. I’m glad people will have the option. Me, personally, I thought it looked bad.
Druids need old incarnation forms to be in barbershop like other new druid forms, also Claws of Shirvallah glyph
I must have been under a rock. I’ve never seen this mentioned and have no idea what you’re talking about. lol
Now we riot for hair glow, never stop asking, its how the void elves won.
The hair glow was what I actually wanted. The hand glow was always meh for me. Glad for those that wanted the glowing hands. Sad I don’t have glowing hair.
The article mentioned by the OP. Great news for Nightborne.
True. I wish there were more DK options for their eyes. Demon hunters, too.
Most customizations should be options otherwise it defeats the purpose.
Thank you for posting the link.
This is a necessity for druids. I support.
It was certainly a more popular request back during early BfA when Nightborne were first released. Though, among the newest Nightborne customizations, I think players were asking for the hand glow as well.
Me neither. Lol
Here come the Void Elves to demand their hand glow.
We didn’t “win.” There’s still quite a few things the Void Elves want that are being ignored.
Namely, more void themed customization, access to Paladin to fulfill a High Elf Fantasy fully, and overall more customization like the LF, HM, and NB just got.
I didn’t plan on putting more alts thru shadowlands but now I’m reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally tempted to dust off my Nightborne Warrior with these updates