December’s topic: “So about those Titans: Take 'em, Leave 'em, or are there other options?”
Looking for Presenters - 2 to 4 people to prepare an opening statement and field questions and comments from the audience.
If you have never been to a Thunder Bluff Debate, the time has arrived. A popular monthly event on Grobbulus starts up Monday, Dec. 9th at 6pm server, and will now be in Dornogal so Alliance and those neutral to the factions can attend. It will also take place on WrA.
See the caard for more info, rules and expectations, and how to volunteer. If you would like to be a presenter, please reach out to me on discord at okwahoredwood.
Giving this a /bump because I haven’t seen any replies to this. Sounds fun.
I have a couple of volunteers for security, still looking for speakers. Horde, Alliance, Neutral, all are welcome!
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We have our speakers!
Merope Starblight
Stony Tony
Magmacaller Kadaji
Now all we need is an audience. Msg Okwaho or find the ingame raid that will be listed as Thunder Bluff Debate
See you in Dornogal for the first debate on WrA at 6pm server/pst
Going to give this a bump.
Also going to bump this to keep it visible. 
This is up for Monday Night! Four great speakers have ben found!!! Come share your thoughts in Dornogal. Msg. Okwaho for invite!
Up top! Let’s discuss the Titans!
The Flaming Lips summed up my thoughts pretty well on the subject of giant killer robots.
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Been looking forward to this. I’ll be there on my fops.
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I don’t think I’m going to make it unfortunately. Lack of sleep this weekend is killing me and I may need an early bedtime. But still, I hope everyone who attends has a lot of fun!
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For invite to group we will be using whisper Okwaho-WyrmrestAccord or use raid finder: raids - legacy, Uldir Normal titled Thunder Bluff Debate: Titans
Can’t wait to see you all in about 40-45 minutes
A big thanks to all that came out!!! The site has been updated with the next topic and we are looking for presenters 
Warrior Priests aka Paladins, Prelates, & Sunwalkers
Show us your faith and what sets it apart
Another excellent debate was had in January about the light and a lot of give and take between presenters and audience! Truly Fired Up!
February we take a different turn:
Beledar, The Emperor’s Vision:
What is is treally?
And is the Dark Shjft Evil?
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
6pm server - Isle of Dorn
Updating - we are still looking for a couple of speakers… where are those lamplighters? 
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