Hamstring sucks

This button feels awful to press.

I understand your pain warriors after a day of being kited and trying to get a hamstring off before they left me waddling after them


Let the warrior flow through you.


yeah, if they aren’t going to take hamstring off the global, or make it a .5s gcd which i believe they did before at some point? maybe im thinking of sweeping strikes… anyways, quit buffing slam its a useless button, prune slam/hamstring together, then neither will feel like a useless gcd.

side note, this is another reason i feel most people run tclap/rend as arms, because rend bleed damage is pathetic, but at least its something, combined with aoe t clap slow. feels much better to press thunder clap than hamstring, and it actually moves your anger management also.

or they could make hamstring a tapering slow, starting at 90>10 or 75>50 etc, and it would actually be useful. many ways they could make it feel better.


have u tried beefstring?


Heck ya having a ton of fun on it but man hate to say it war mobility sucks.

Chasing a sv hunter around in 2s for 5 mins with all the root and micro before I finally killed him I understand why warriors are angry players


warrior “mobility” is great. the fact that warrior is too easily controlled, is the pain you are feeling.

Warr is still the most reliant on a healer class in the game.

Without making warriors un-kiteable, and rework aside, there should be a mechanic that ramps your damage on the next few hits, depending on your time rooted. Being able to finally connect with 2-3 globals and doing 20% of someone’s HP before you’re kited again, is not enough. Like boomkins do more damage when they are trained, a similar mechanic should be added to warriors while controlled, imo.


Everyone either hates on warriors or says its fine until they play one :clown_face:


Tbh I think it’s just being a mage that makes me feel it suck comparitively. We can blink roots and energized barriers remove slows so I’m zooming and gone.

Warr feels like I’m giga slowed and controlled all game and need to use charge to get a couple globals off before they are Gone. It’s a combination of control on you and trying to get a slow out that feels really awful. Hamstring blows

Also dracthyr demolish animation is most satisfying thing in game when final overhead swing crits and kills them

Blizzard forgot to give us an up-to-date toolkit as per all the other classes in df and tww.
So now it’s just a waddling damage bot and that’s why low elo players hate it, because they are bad at kiting.

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I don’t think that frost mage into warrior has been this one sided since vanilla.

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This is the funniest part about the whole post.

No wonder warrior keeps getting buffed even tho it was fine before and now it’s busted. Who needs slows and immunities when warrior does insane damage when it connects.


Literally clueless about warriors

Our MS before with every modifier did only 500k now its fixed and does a mil like it should with evrry modifier. Our whole toolkit has finally been buffed to playability. We are no longer reliant on outlr teammates for killing something now and it feels great.

We still have issues with being kited but with these damage buffs its slightly more bearable as atleast when we connect people freak


True, but it goes both ways. I’ve seen so many warriors complain about getting kited or being squishy and they swap to a caster and are completely miserable. Same thing with rogues and “being immortal”.

Grass is always greener, ya know?

Most of them, like Brox and Arthis, just want a punching bag that they can tee off on for M+ rating. Most melee the no idea what it’s like being a caster at all and getting focused and not being able to get your damage out.

But by the same token a lot of mages and locks seem oblivious to the fact that being forever unable to play your character due to long non-DR’ing CC is extremely tilting and stupid.

It’s almost like the game is designed badly. Lmao


It should get the disable treatment tbh

Would be a huge QOL for warriors to have a 2 second root attached to it for a double press or on someone already slowed.

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Yo just a reminder that the tclap slow only works when specced into thane btw LOL

Just use one of your leaps/multiple charges or intervenes to close the gap and if you get slowed blade storm to remove all slows!


Wait is this a we need more mobility thread???

Ok fine you get another charge or leap but you’re losing anti cc whirlwind.

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Nice to see that the warrior delusion is already in effect, you fit right in!


Ayyyy welcome to the team LOL