Greetings and salutations, everyone!
I am one of several who represent Before Dusk, After Dawn!
Our guild is a moderate community which has existed for over 9 years now. Throughout the years, we have only ever had one goal in mind:
to provide a raiding environment for the average working adult which does not compromise fun and progress at a casual pace!
The community we have built over this period of time is friendly, understanding, and dedicated.
Whether it be in Azeroth or another game – we enjoy the company we keep.
Whether you are looking for a new raiding team to join to better fit your schedule or are just seeking a change of pace – we might be what you’re looking for!
With Undermine coming, we wish to seek new members to grow our team as we get ready for a new raid!
What We Offer:
Relaxed and safe environment for all of our members
A small, but friendly community
Respectable raiding progress (Continually earning AotC every tier, as we have for the last 9 years)
Outside of raid - some of our members participate in pushing M+, aiming for the rewards and portals for each season.
Raid Information:
Thursday(s) (9 PM to 12 AM Central Time)
Saturday(s) (9 PM to 12 AM Central Time)
We generally start forming around 8:45 PM Central to allow time to get to the raid, summon, clear trash, etc. This limits the amount of idle time our team is subjected to!
Our Expectations:
Treat others how you wish to be treated!
Communication! Let us know if you’ll be late or are taking a break!
Good attendance! Can’t belong if you aren’t there!
Be Prepared! Look up fights and such. Knowing is half the battle, after all!
Currently Seeking:
We are seeking DPS that are a mix of both range and melee of varied classes!
Our big wants, in order, are:
- Shaman
- Rogue
- Death Knight | Priest | Monk
Item Level:
620 ilv is the goal for our team as we head into Undermine Normal, then Heroic.
While most of our members are on Moon Guard, with cross-server guilds being enabled - we do not expect recruits to transfer.
Apply At:
Our Discord :
When you join our server, you can always reach out to one of our Managers for any questions you may have!
Otherwise - we have a small Google Form if you’d like to leave us some information and we reach back out to you!