Hammer of Light

Is it me or is the animation from hol lagging/clunky feeling? It goes off but it feels super slow to respond to my button presses.

Yup, it’s a known issue, makes the entire rotation feel clunky and slow like you have input lag. Sadly it’s the spec that’s outperforming the other smoother one so…:man_shrugging:t2:

It’s a wierd one because as I’m about to use HoL I feel like I’m going super slow mo, then as soon as the haste kicks in from using it everything speeds up. It feels like I’m a VHS tape being slowed down and then speed up or like a cartoon character or something lol. Who’s the cartoon character that runs in place and then takes off? Roadrunner? I forget. That’s how it feels to me.

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Cool, thanks, I was wondering if it’s just me or what . Kinda sad that it’s not fluid.

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I think it’s supposed to feel a little delayed, like you’re calling down this massive attack from the heavens. There was a slower gcd attached to it as well, but that’s been fixed.

I kind of like the way HoL feels, but I can see why you don’t.

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I heard the reason why it’s slower is for crusade to be able to effect the damage after the stacks get’s counted.

I have not confirmed it though.

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Heh. I like this answer.