Hammer of light is taking holy power away without going out when dodged, parried, not landng on a target. Final verdict does not consume holy power unless it has hit its target.
Hamer of light is magic (holy dmg) but get stopped by evasion and parry and probably more which should only affect physical (holystrike dmg for exemple) .
were the other two accounts muted or something, holy moly dude
Best not to respond to it’s posts. He might start going around saying is the number 1 prot paladin in the world…
Although he is certainly a top contender spammer and troll that makes kelliste cry in the DK forums.
Yep! Something consume my holy power =(( cant cast my hammer argggg
Specially anoying when fightimg windwalkera warriors rogues.
No, just forums being bugged and forcing me to use whatever the first character comes to be my profile.
I made a ticket about it and they just told me its a known issue they are trying to fix but to wait in the meantime and do with whatever works.
So yea depending on if i use laptop, ipad, or iphone i swaps my profile character, phone is mortalx shaman, laptop is my main, and ipad is this alt spriest i used to play in bfa.