Hammer of Light bug?

no one is saying you cant like something. its is enjoyable to see 1mill+ crits of hol every 2 seconds but

this is cope, you implying thats how its supposed to be like. when its very clearly not supposed to be a window

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The tooltip literally states “Wake of ashes is replaced with Hammer of Light for 12 sec after it is cast”. I’m not saying it is not a bug, but it is fair to see why some people think it’s not. Be less toxic.


ya the buff to hol lasts 12 seconds until its used, blizzard tooltips are weird ya. also i dont think i was being toxic, dont throw the word around so meanlessly or it loses its meaning.

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“yall need to read tooltips, i shouldnt have to explain this to anyone” followed by “blizzard tooltips are weird ya.”. There is clear ambiguity in the tooltip. Toxicity is subjective I guess.


Your position is…

The ability to extend Shake the Heavens makes it pointless. Can’t agree here.

Zealous vindication becomes OP because you can proc it 1-2 additional times. Its so OP it negates the other talent, this might be true. Whether or not it’s op this depends on how Ret performs correct? How do we know this? Sims put Ret 2nd to last before change/bug BTW.

Wrathful Descent is OP, same responce.

Higher calling is pointless because your spamming hammers. You can’t spam HoL without using builders like BoJ and HoW. DOes it decrease the value of the talent? Yes.

The shield from sacto is pointless because you won’t use Wake. You will stop using a 3 HP generater that is one of our hardest hitting abilites when you need the HP to use HoL, not to mention Radiant glory activation. This isn’t true at all.

Hammer fall is pointless. It loses value for sure.

Judgement is irellavent. You don’t want Holy Power anymore? You dont need holy power to use those HoL in that 12 second window? You wont need judgement for the other 18 seconds out of 30?

Light’s deliverance means you can HoL forever. How fast can you get 60 stacks? Maybe AoE this is an issue single target you wont be spamming HoL. You generally don’t get to 60 stacks between wakes even with the bug.

Again, I’m not saying it’s intended. It doesn’t brick 3/4 of the tree though, nor does it mean Wake wont be used or Judgement is a dead spell.


I’ve had 6 HoL’s back to back because of how they lined up with my free casts and with LD lol. It’s completely broken. I don’t understand how anyone thinks its intended to function like this with it completely relegating FV to being unnecessary to exist. The tooltip was clearly indicated to be that HoL was available for a 12 second window, not “use it as much as you can in 12 seconds.”

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Wake of Ashes is replaced with Hammer of Light for 12 sec after it is cast.

Hammer of Light:
Hammer down your enemy with the power of the Light, dealing (580.645% of Attack power) Holy damage and ((580.645% of Attack power) / 2) Holy damage up to 4 nearby enemies.

Additionally, calls down Empyrean Hammers from the sky to strike 3 nearby enemies for (46.55% of Attack power) Holy damage each.
Costs 5 Holy Power.

HoL has two ways it is available for lev 77-80, we all agree on that I think.

What I’m not seeing mentioned is a HoL Cool Down, just a period of time it can be used. Also omitted from the tool tip is “after casting WoA, WoA becomes HoL, you can cast HoL once per proc.”

If HoL in the tool tips description AND use diminishes anthing else in our kit, is irrelevant to the wording of the tool tip. The tool tip has the words the tool tip has.

Then whats the point of hammerfall and shake the heaven talent? Being able to spam HoL makes those talents redundant for LD.

Sometimes movement, CC, enemy defensives, ect will cause you to be outside of HoL range or inturupt your rotation.

Other parts of Ret kit shine outside of HoL range. If you play retribution for more than ten minutes against something other than a training dummy you’re going to mess up your rotation or have to move, interrupting your ability to use amber of life.

The CD is WoA. The buff for HoL is simply available for 12 seconds. This is how practically every proc in every mmo works. Ya’ll are trying way too hard to make it seem like this clearly isn’t a bug when its so damn obvious its not supposed to function like this.

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Season 1 is going live tomorrow, has this been fixed?

I would at least like to know if this is how things are gonna be so I know its intended or too difficult to fix.

It REALLY doesn’t. I ran a heroic dungeon last night and used FV all of 2 times. In PvP I basically never used it because it would be a waste. FV with the way HoL is currently functioning is completely pointless.

Its a bug, end of story.

It will likely be fixed tomorrow.

That’s insane, you got 6 cast of it in around 10.5 seconds?

That’s 9 seconds of HoL wake of ashes takes 1.5 seconds of the CD and only leaves 1 GCD for a builder. You built a max of 5 HP with divine toll and essentially got 25 HP for free smashing HoL 6 times in 10-13.5 seconds.

Even if you had 60 stacks used it then hit wake got 2 DP procs you would have needed to build 120 stacks in 10 seconds? 60 stacks with 3 DP procs. I wish I had that kind of RNG


Heroic dungeon… thats not offering a challenge. I’m glad you feel adequate for a heroic dungeon though. Other hero talents help while out of HoL range if you must move for mechanics or you are not near the next mob yet.

Some players PVP, it takes more skill than heroic dungeon as far more variables exist.
In pvp surely perfect rotations will be broken to all manner of CC and enemy mobility.

LD resets the window. I’ve had HoL stay on my bar for longer than 12 seconds.

Outside of using templar strike? Dealing with CC in BG’s isn’t really a problem given everything can be casted at a pretty safe distance. Popping off multiple HoL’s hasn’t been an issue in BG’s for me and the few arenas I did was comical.

okay whats the point of extending shake the heavens if you can spam hol and proc hammer fall whenever. theres literally no point fo the talent to exist thats a fact and nothing anyone feels can change that

hol procing more hammer falls when hol is spam able is instantly more impactful and better than a 1min cd divine toll making judgement stronger. whats the point of having a choice node if one choice completely dumpsters the other in this regard.

what response, there was no valid response

again yall are acting like generating 5 hopo is hard when the spec generates hopo at a insane degree. it takes 2-3 globals. thats boj and judgement and csaa by itself.

its literally pointless cause your not spending hopo on fv and ds, your spending it on hol. this isnt a hard concept

ya how the hell are you gonna proc radiant glory, if hol is always active? playing the spec to a competent degree means you dont see wake ever, so you dont proc radiant glory so you dont use wake. cause its impossible without cancelauraing HOL

stop trying to justify a clearly buged interaction that bricks the spec

you have boj, are we gonna pretend boj doesnt exist anymore?

it does tho, your just making half @$$'d excuses to justify this bug

NOW you can say im being toxic.

cause people want ret to do damage, and hol gives the illusion of damage even tho it bricks the spec. ret needs buffs and people want this dumb bug to be that buff for 0 reason

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Every GCD spent on defensives, mobility, utility, and healing is not a large damage source, and will inturupt HoL rotations.
… and in BiS honor gear HoL isnt criting for 1.3k, its 800k, good but not heroic dungeon or training dummy numbers.

Ill be back in a month to gloat, or sooner if the tool tip and ability is changed to one use per WoA to say I was wrong. Until Blizzard chages it from “for 12 seconds” to something more restricted, I’m going to stand by my reading comprehension of the hero talents as written and leave it at that.

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