Hammer of Light bug?

I want Ret to be good, in all content. If soon we confirm it is in fact superb in raid, I’m pleased.

That’s how I expected it to work, very annoyed they removed it as a HP dump for that 12 seconds. Now it’s a 30 second cooldown >.>

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Indo usually doesnt. They have a very strong ego. I’ve only ever seen them be negative. Instead of giving a true genuine insight or advice, they roast, demean and be cruel.

I love how this is all you people truly care about

cringe m+ meta chasers taking the fun out of everything as usual

You pretend you just don’t like 5 holy power spenders but everyone can see what this is really about :roll_eyes:

I think those were written by Dratnos and Tettles. Made that list based on Sims and their Riad/M+ testing on PTR, they have nothing else to use. Since then Herald had some nice bug fix buffs.

A agree with you that the first day logs put Ret mid pack not dogwater, that’s encouraging. By the end of the week we will have a pretty good idea of where Ret stands.

Ahhh yeah because being happy we might end-up pretty mid/upper mid is such a meta chasing thing.:disguised_face::disguised_face:

What’s wrong with wanting the game to be fairly balanced btw?

I’m worse, because I want to play Ret in pvp. I want it to be exceptional, A tier or better in practice, not just theory. I’m not fighting a scripted raid boss and scripted adds. Vs players that want you slowed, stunned, feared, MCed, knocked off cliffs, disarmed, MSed, Dispelled, and Dead, the totality of our kit matters AND dps matters. Ill swap to what is good now and since DF S2, but I have a favorite spec.

People can say that building and spending 5 HP was fun, but only when it is for a broken ability. It woul not be fun to build 5hp for meh damage so lets not give the impression that we like building 5. No one would have liked it if they tuned down HoL damage to bring us in line with were they want us.

I still hold the opinion that we shouldn’t be so quick to negotiate against ourselves. No other classes do it. They demand a pound of flesh for every negative change. We make it too easy to nerf us. Thats on us, no matter the scenario. :confused:

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It has only been a day since the raid opened, but so far Ret is doing very good. Within top 5.

Had the bug remained Ret would have comfortable been #1 by a very very large margin (it was about a 20% dps increase). And Templar would have recieved a gigantic nerf in the next balance hotfix. Likely cutting the damage of HoL in half, if not more.


This btw

But people don’t like to listen to the issues of what bugs can bring if made into features

Fury #1 on the pve chart
Fury using Odin to global people in pvp
Don’t see a single post in warrior forum asking for a nerf
will they get one? :confused:


Sort Damage to bosses, it was the single target we were worried about. Sort by damage to bosses and Ret is around 9th, around 9% off the top DPS which isn’t a bad spot.

Normal has a lot more parses and Ret is around 12th (13% from top DPS) which isn’t a bad spot either. Need more time, but it isn’t looking bad.

Expect notes Friday. I think the bottom specs will get some love.

Personally i was expecting Herald to get a slight nerf (probably ~10% of off dawnlight) and a slight buff to FV to compensate. But now that logs are out i am not so sure anymore.

Ret might sim poorly, but its damage profile is fantastic, which makes up for it looking bad in sims. Because other classes can’t perform as good as they do on target dummies.

Maybe it’s just too early to say for sure.

Hey I’ll take good news…

Sims could just be wrong, it happens. Just glancing at my test dummy results I think the bug fixes were 4-5% (if anything more than that). Didn’t do any napkin math but I think that’s reasonalble. Plus at current gear levels the nurf to mastery and aura buff net was around 2%. So that’s 7%ish to herald.

Herald would have been 18th heroic, and 21st DPS Normal. Herald would have indeed been one of the worste in the game, with every class having at least one spec that performed better ST, maybe DH the exception.

Templar would be manditory and it would be around where Herald is now. So the doomers were half right, prior to the bug fixes and mastery rebalance.

Unfortunately this was a “bug.” Although, even with this bug, prot pally was still basically D tier tank. Now I can’t imagine how far down on the totem pole we are.

And on a personal level, this bug actually made prot really fun to play… But no, I guess we are not allowed to have fun.

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Blizz doesn’t care about pvp balance. They haven’t cared about pvp balance for a LONG time. Also, blizz is more concerned with making sure tanks have as little fun as possible. Can’t have too many people playing an underrepresented vital role in pve groups I guess… gotta make it as miserable as possible.

No, they are sctuslly asking for buffs to second wind and imoending victory in the arena forums. Clown world

Coming back to this thread after playing Herald of the Sun in M0/t8 delves for the last week and its no contest. Even when Templar was bugged it was less powerful; Herald of the Sun does decent single target and outrageous Area of Effect. I think templar was more fun bugged than the state it is in now.

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You can top the damage charts even more on herald. Try it :slight_smile: