[H/A]<Midlife Crisis> 3/9M Aberuss / AOTC / M+ Keys Guild Recruiting

Guild & Server: Midlife Crisis on Area-52
Raid Times/Days: Tue/Wed/Thu 9:00 - 11:45 pm eastern
Current Progression: 3/9M Aberuss & 9/9H Aberuss
Recruitment Contacts: BigPoppaKane (Discord) or Karlzmon#1583 (BNET)
Raider.io: https://raider.io/guilds/us/area-52/Midlife%20Crisis/mythic-plus-characters/season-df-1

About us: We are an experienced group of long time players that met on the WME (WoW Made Easy) discord community & started raiding Heroic VOTI late in the 1st season with our first raid together on 2/21/23. In just 5 short weeks (less than 30 hours) of raiding together the group got VOTI AOTC and grew to over 30 members (both part-time and full-time raiders) and decided to all group up on Area-52 under the same guild banner prior to season 2. We have both Horde and Alliance members now with cross-faction guilds and welcome both factions to the guild.

We are currently recruiting a few classes (listed below) to complete the raid team for 10.2, but also to continue raiding both Mythic and Heroic Aberuss until Amirdrassil’s release. We clear Heroic Aberuss on Thursday nights, and are currently farming Kazz/Amalagation/Assault on Tuesday nights to get everyone a mythic vault slot. Then use Wednesday to work on mythic Rashok or Experiments.

For Amirdrassil we plan on using Tuesday & Thursday nights to run the full guild team starting on normal and progress into Heroic to get everyone their AOTC. On Wednesday night we are going to have a smaller group of no more than 20 start on Heroic and progress onto Mythic. The heroic/mythic team on Wednesday’s are still encouraged to run with the full guild team on Tue/Thu nights. This should allow for the full guild team to have the fun and experience of learning the raid and progressing to AOTC, while giving a heroic/mythic team the ability to move at a bit faster pace.

Many of our members run mythic keys with 27 members with over 2000 io and 9 over 2500io this season as we strive to open all portals for as many members as we can. We are always looking for more members to add to that number, so even if you aren’t a raider and just want to push Mythic+ key, there is a place for you here in Midlife Crisis.

Raid Team Recruitment
Tanks: FULL
Healers: Reserve/Bench and Mythic+ Keys
MDPS: Death Knight / Monk / Warrior
RDPS: Aug or Dev Evoker / Balance Druid

All classes and roles for Mythic+ Keys and social members welcomed.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Looking forward to the Aberuss raid release and new Mythic+ key season. We are still looking to recruit the above roles to our raid team. Feel free to drop me a line in discord or bnet if interested in finding out more.

While realms our down this morning, I thought I’d update our recruitment post.