The Ceremony of the Loa!
This week’s Loa: Shango!
Join the Jakaro Loa in a celebration to one of the many Loa of Azeroth. Learn about these mysterious beings, join for a feast in their honour, and partake in a ritual to bless those in attendance with the Loa’s favour!
Orgrimmar - the Valley of Spirits. Warmode: On.
Night’s Schedule:
The group is expected to form approximately 7:30 PM Server Time. For the next half hour, it will be open for a bit of pre-event RP as people begin to gather. At 8:00 PM Server, the event will begin with a tale associated with the week’s Loa.
After the Speaker finishes the tale, it will be a time for learning. Those in attendance will be open to ask questions, be it about the table or even the Loa itself. At 8:30 PM Server, or when there are no other questions, the group will be present with a feast in honour of the Loa, giving those in attendance a chance to socialise and rest.
By 9:00 PM Server, after those who have assembled have had the time to eat their fill, we will depart from Orgrimmar to Sen’Jin Village. As the final act of the evening, with Master Gadrin’s blessing, we will partake in a ritual to ask for the Loa’s blessing and its favour.
Final Notes:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me - Zalaaji - ingame at any time. The Loa of the week will change with each event, and for the purposes of RP, we will likewise be including theorised - but not fully confirmed - Loa, as well as eventually the Wild Gods as it has been theorised that the Dark Trolls may have worshipped them originally as their own Loa.
I will be attempting to host this event bi-weekly, but if for some reason I am not able to host on a certain week, I will post an update in this thread under the name of Zalaaji or Ta’zash!
Regardless, hope to see you there! Atal’aka Loa, we stand!