If you see a zombie, in org, and there is a vulpera in the area, you should immediately AND violently, toss the little things right at them. It will solve two problems. One being one less furbag on the streets spreading flees and infectious disease AND second the zombies won’t even consider eating something so vile as vermin.
I’M JUST SAYING, I’M JUST SAYING, OKAY? It’s okay, it’s okay.
Can we count you as a zombie, Mort? I mean, let’s be honest, you kinda fit the profile: corpse tottering around like it’s alive, eats brains - even though it’s dead and has no sense of taste, mindless… do you really want Vulpera tossed into your face? Isn’t it bad enough when we’re wrapped around your leg?
Secondly, I fail to see how there’ll be “One less furbag” as you so lovingly put it… I mean, in like 90% of cases, we won’t die by being thrown - and if the zombies won’t eat us, as you claim, then what good is it? Why bother?
As per all this nonsense about us Vulpera “Spreading fleas and infectious disease”: how can I put this, tactfully… YOU’RE A ROTTING CORPSE! Don’t pretend like you’re the embodiment of cleanliness and pristine living, Mort! I mean, up until just recently, you animated carcasses were living in a sewer - so, please, climb down from off that high-horse of yours before you make yourself look any worse!