Halondrus Graphical Glitch - Invisible planet crackers

We ran into the same thing tonight.

THANK you for this. I’ve gone and clipped this if you don’t mind, of a clear view of what’s happening to share on twitter and file with a report for them. It was very annoying to deal with tonight.

Can confirm bombs sometimes go invisible when dropped. Also last phase the rotating death showers are invisible as well. This was on mythic

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Happened to us too. Affected everyone in the raid. Sometimes the ground would appear to be missing too.

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Happened to me and the rest of my guild.
Bombs (all phases) and Planet Cracker (P3 only).

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Happened to us as well. Duplicate thread here: Mythic halondrus invisible bombs and planet cracker - #8 by Zavin-nathrezim

This needs to get fixed asap. Not being able to see planet crackers and/or bombs is…well, silly.

Same issue for the past two nights with my guild’s raid team. Tonight we found that rotating your camera almost to ground level, slightly looking up allows you to seem them some time.

same here. my little casual guild is progressing through heroic and we finally made it to last phase only to realize that the orbs are invisible to about 90% of the raid.

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Can confirm. Visual bugs like the walls and abilities popping in and out of the screen depending on the position of the camera.

Can confirm the same issue in Heroic on Saturday, June 11.

Same issue, decided to Vantus and burn it.

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Happened to us as well this evening during our heroic reclear, ended up giving up on the boss cause of this bug.

We have the same issue and had to give up Halo today.


Same issue for us 13 June


My team is having the same issue on heroic difficulty. Started to be like this on Friday.

Had it happen sunday night and it complicated things just a little too much heh.
June 13th 2022

Saw it on Saturday. It was affecting everyone in the raid, so definitely on the game’s end. He’s killable in heroic (I’ve heard mythic is next to impossible because the bombs are affected as well), especially since they usually appear once you’re right next to them, but the entire last phase is just riddled with graphical errors. The floor, walls, basically every environment object aside from the motes would flicker/disappear.

Some people in our raid noticed it looked like an additional beam had been added (I wasn’t counting, couldn’t see them and do the fight all at once usually), possibly to prevent ranged dps from standing outside and trivializing the mech. If this is true, that might be what broke the fight assets.

Same issue last night. Impossible to clear with half the raid dying to invisible beams.

Tossing my complaint on here as well - we were primed for our first kill on Heroic after some weeks gearing out guildies, and it was horribly depressing to go three attempts and on each one die in P3 because people couldn’t see the overheads, had to pan to see them and missed things on the ground, or ground was missing (How??). Fairly new glitch for us, first time seeing it last night (6/12, Malyos/Icecrown).

Would love to see this fixed sooner and not later, especially with many of us finally ready to dive in and get our AoTC.

Planet cracker was completely invisible for me on P3, made it P3 in multiple pulls yet was bugged each time