Just finished the Campaign.
It was…strange. Kinda felt like I’m missing a good chunk of information between Halo 5 and Infinite from a story perspective.
I was under the impression that Cortana was literally holding a gun to the universes head after Halo 5 and even had the power to use the Guardians to demolish planets…so why did she throw it all away on some random ring? I don’t reeallly get it.
Gameplay wise its decent but not great. I am saying this as a long-time Halo fan whose played all the other iterations for the PvE elements.
I think too much focus went into the open world, I know it will later come with a co-op mode but I think people are going to get bored with it pretty quickly since once you clean up all the visible objectives you either lookup all the collectable online and head-hunt them or go treasure hunting without a map.
Some of the tools where nice but kinda stupid/silly…like the shield you can throw up just doesn’t work or obey the law of physics when you want to shoot through it sometimes or try throwing a barrel through it.
Throwing barrels was satisfying but it got kinda old as the game wore on. The shootable sensor was cool but it didn’t feel like Halo since you could upgrade it to the point where you could walk into any room and instantly know where every enemy was.
Overall it sorta felt like I was playing a gimped version of the Doom Slayer rather than the Chief at times because despite getting all these fancy upgrades, weapons and vehicles you could still get stuck with a grenade and get instantly killed (I played on heroic) or more frustratingly run out of ammo without any power weapons around when you REALLY NEED THEM.