Halls of Reflection Lich King Loot Chest not opening

Halls of Reflection Lich King Loot Chest not opening.
Happened last night on Heroic, and today in Normal.

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Same here on Normal today.

Happened to my group as well earlier this morning, but we’ll just hope for the best next time. Originally I wondered if it was because we queued as Gamma, but no…you guys said it happens in all versions.

just happened to my group on heroic. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Happened to me twice, once on normal, once on heroic. Can’t figure out why, but it’s frustrating.

Same problem here on hero so sad

Ive never seen it not bug. Super annoying

It has happened to me the past two days on Heroic difficulty.

Also experienced this issue October 14th 2023.

Can we get a blue reply on this? I’ve experienced this issue twice now, reported it as a bug. How much longer do we continue to allow the players to get impacted by a dev error? I want my badges… Literally waste of my time.

Just happened to me as well.

Hey all, we are aware of the Halls of Reflection chest often not being lootable and are investigating, but it’s proving a bit tricky to figure out. I know that it’s super frustrating to miss out on loot and scourgestones, so we’re absolutely trying to figure this out.

If you run into this issue, please reply to this post and include the following:

  • Name and realm of the impacted character
  • Faction
  • Difficulty (Normal, Heroic, Gamma*)
  • Did you wipe on the gauntlet?
  • Had you already run Halls of Reflection at least once already in a given day and got it again with the random queue?
  • Anything else that might be odd that occurred during the dungeon that comes to mind?

*Gamma is technically Heroic for the ICC 5-player dungeons, but I’m wondering if queueing for Gamma might somehow be a factor. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Thanks all! I definitely want to get this fixed ASAP.


This was a while back, so I don’t remember all the details, only one thing stood out about the run.

Someone ran over the edge and onto the gunship before it came up naturally. They died, of course, because there’s a death plane there. But thats the only time i’ve seen it bug out.

Aside from that, the information you asked for:

Don’t remember, probably random Gamma or manual queued Heroic.
Never have I ever wiped on that gauntlet.
Don’t remember.

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Do you recall if they fell into the death plane before or after damaging any of the Lich King’s adds?

This was at the end after all the waves were cleared and Lich King stopped walking so slow. The rp hadn’t yet finished though.

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Well, I have good(?) news! I just reproduced the bug with your tip. I need to narrow it down if it’s any player deaths during the gauntlet or just player deaths running off onto the gunship at the end that break it, but one of those two events changed who gets credit for the chest in an absolutely bizzare way.


I’ve had it not bug out when people get stuck off the edge during the chase (and then they die when Lich King passes them), so it may solely be the gunship. Or it may be deaths due to the death planes/voiding out that cause it.

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Update: Chest bugged out for the 2nd time ever. Was queuing for random heroics, got into a partially completed HoR (appears they wiped on LK once before and lost a tank), did the chase, the rogue in the run died and then released, and then died 3 more times trying to come back in, and then when it was all finished, the chest was bugged.

Wipe no, but 1 member did die and was brez

Fuzzrite - Pagle
We did not.
No, nothing.