Halls of Infusion Primal Tsunami Overtuned

Before I begin, I want to say that conceptually I love this fight. Reusing the gauntlet during phase 2 is brilliant, and the mechanics are largely fun. The biggest thing here, in my opinion, is that Infused Globules and Waterlogged appear to be severely overtuned with the way the flow of the fight works. In leveling dungeons, and in mythic (at ~265 ilvl for mythic at the time I ran it), the damage here is way too high, with the way the globules function.

  1. Visually, the globules are too similar to the color of the boss. This makes it extremely hard to differentiate when dealing with movement while healing. It has a “fun” secondary effect, in that the globules can land within the model of the boss itself, which can easily be fatal to melee since they can’t see the ground effect or the orb once it spawns.

  2. Unpredictable movement. To a point I think this is actually cool and interesting, but with so many globules in the area it feels too aggressive.

  3. Short travel time. With the radius of the circle, the travel time on this is way too aggressive. If you don’t respond INSTANTLY and don’t have a speed boost available, avoiding the initial damage is basically impossible.

  4. Raw damage output. The initial hit of this deals ~1/4 of my HP in damage as a healer. That’s a lot for something that’s so hard to avoid. Combine that with waterlogged dealing 3x what the initial hit does and a player that doesn’t manage to escape and gets hit by waterlogged afterward is an instant fatality. On normal, that’s WAY too much. Even on mythic that feels too punishing. It means that for mythic plus, a Halls key is effectively a dead key, because a trivial mistake can end the run.

Last thing, and this isn’t really commentary on the fight itself, but on the dungeon as a whole. This place has a VERY long run back. Even as an evoker, with two hover charges, it took 4 minutes to run from the entrance to Primal Tsunami. This effectively means that wipe prevention is mandatory for running this on a timer. I would strongly encourage some means of a shortcut, or at least checkpointing after Gulping Goliath.

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I’m surprised no one else has chimed in on this.

My group would agree with this. It’s a bit of a struggle to see. The rest of these issues are mostly fixed through repetition, but that doesn’t fix this particular issue.

It actually is predictable. It’s based on your movement, you have to stutter step as ranged and your melee need to be spread out around the boss’s hit box so they have room to step left or right as the swirlies come. If the tank gets hit, it’s pretty rough because the boss has an ability that will gib said melee if said tank isn’t present.

The first room you go into is a circular room where you can choose to go left or right. For some reason, it seems to be instinct for us to go left, but if you go right there’s a room off to the side that you can drop down straight into the 3rd boss chamber. It makes a run back to the last boss take around a minute, even with no movement cd’s. Going left you have to walk through pretty much the whole dungeon, which I agree is pretty rough. After reset and you go back for your next lockout, try that and see if it helps you.

This dungeon as a whole probably had the biggest learning curve out of the 8 (specifically if you’re trying to look at the dungeon like you’re about to spend a year running it as a key) but other than the ground effects of the last boss, it feels doable. They will undoubtedly have to have a pretty lax timer otherwise you’re right, it’ll be a rough key but it’s not the first time we’ve had dungeons like that. The most recent that comes to mind is DoS and I’m still not sure this is near as punishing as that place was week one.

So, I agree that the amount of movement is predictable, but from everything I’ve seen the direction isn’t. I haven’t found any way to influence their direction, and they don’t seem to inherently converge on players or anything like that, just move in a random direction at random intervals. If I’m wrong here, I’d love to know more.

Wow, yeah, I completely missed this on all my runs. I’ll check this out! Good hint!

I’ve done it twice on mythic so far, once as melee dps and once as a tank so your fov is a little different than mine but it seemed like i could bait them to me. I could be off.

Well I was the dumb tank who went right instead of left and figured it out for my group lol. It definitely helps.

I imagine that gauntlet will need a bit of a nerf come M+ time. Those waves come really quickly and there’s a lot of damage going out at the same time which makes it a pain for healing.

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because most groups don’t see the gauntlet phase. I ran it on multiple toons on M0 and I saw it only once out of 3 grps.

Really? What’s causing them to give up? I’ve done this twice now with 2 different groups and haven’t had much of a problem either time.

This fight and the entire dungeon is basically untested because its not part of the Season 1 rotation.

Ive done this 4 times on 4 different tanks and each time the boss dies at least 1 or 2 people are dead to indistinguishable blurry white/blue smears.